MovieChat Forums > Sixteen Candles (1984) Discussion > Jesus, you people need to lighten way th...

Jesus, you people need to lighten way the f@ck up

What is wrong with you idiots? This is not a documentary. It's called a comedy. And in comedy there are jokes. And amazingly enough, jokes can be racist, homophobic, misogynistic, and not-PC. So lighten up and get a clue.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.



Lol totally agree


Glad to see I'm not the only one who's had it up to his eyeballs with self-righteous douchenozzles who go out of their way to find offense where none was intended.



"check the imdb cast list before asking who portrayed who in movies please"


Agreed. I try to stay away from this board because of all the uptight morons who flood the board with comments about how this movie is racist, sexist, depicts and approves of rape, etc, etc. Total b.s.

It wasn't me who was murdered, was it?


This movie didn't strike me as a film to motivate all the liberal types but after thinking about it yeah it has many points that could infuriate today's thin-skinned type. Back then movies were more like stand up comics in that offensive material was allowed in the name of comedy but the whole PC movement has made people lose sight of that. A funny thing is this was an earlier film by John Hughes, was a huge hit and actually started a string of successes from him. Had it been released today John Hughes would have been run out of town on a rail and classics like The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Uncle Buck would never have been made. Eh whatever...


Back then movies were more like stand up comics in that offensive material was allowed in the name of comedy but the whole PC movement has made people lose sight of that.

Agreed. I feel strongly that virtually anything can be funny when written and performed correctly.


This is not a documentary. It's called a comedy.
Agreed. It's a lot funnier than The Breakfast Club ... thank goodness!🐭


Agreed. Expecting (intentional) social commentary in B-movies is dumb. It's like asking what's dumber, an Adam Sandler movie or someone who actually spends time trying to analyze it?


I too am surprised by the uptightness. I love the film just as much today as I did when it was first released. It has a good heart.


Agreed! I'm watching this for the 800th time on the Sundance Channel, so I thought I'd see what the boards had to say, and holy crap, what a bunch of paranoid, uptight whiners. Compared to teen movies past and present this has to be among the least offensive. Just middle class middle America comedy.
