MovieChat Forums > Ronja Rövardotter (1986) Discussion > Movie playing this weekend in MN with Su...

Movie playing this weekend in MN with Sub-titles!

Last weekend for the chance to see the ultra-rare Swedish film, "Ronia, The Robber's Daughter"

A classic tale for everyone about a kingdom of robbers and a daughter is born to the king of robbers. They live next to an enchanted forest and she and a boy from the rival kingdom of robbers run away from home to live there.

This is a great movie set in Renaissance times with great songs. A treat for all and not available on DVD in America.

This Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 2:00 PM at The Oak Street Cinema!

Hope to see you there in what might be the last screening of this film!

More info here:


It's funny reading about this movie as "ultra-rare". Here in Sweden you can buy it everywhere.

EDIT- Sorry if I got you jealous, but you usually get movies on dvd before us; it has even happened on some classic Swedish films, so it's hard to feel sorry for Americans when you talk about a movie that's hard to find.

"What does it do?"
"It doesn't do anything. That's the beauty of it."
