MovieChat Forums > Ronja Rövardotter (1986) Discussion > TV version and movie version

TV version and movie version

What is the difrence? Is there more scenes in the TV version?


No, there's no difference. They have only split it into parts


Well, it's no more acting scenes but it is some extra nature footage to fill out in the tv version... eg more deers, birds and so on...


I have the TV version on VHS, recorded when it aired on TV years and years ago. And it includs a scene which is not on my DVD, where Borka dresses up like a woman to fool Mattis and his robbers.


Yes, there are some extra scenes, just like the TV version of Madicken, Bröderna Lejonhjärta etc.



About 5-6 minutes are missing in the movie version...


I can seriously say that I am so disappointed in the movie-version. The TV-version is so much better, not only because it contains the scene with Borka being a woman, but also with the knights/soldiers are gone. You all know which scene I'm talking about; the one where Borka and his gang gets taken by the soldiers and Mattis and his gang free them.

I mean the movieversion is on a DVD, why not include the real version (the TV-version) in that?


I know the book, I known the movie version, but I cannot recall any scene where the Mattis gang frees the Borka gang. Actually, it sounds rather strange to me that Mattis would do that!

I haven't seen the TV version, but fron your description of the scene, I am not at all surprised that it was given low priority (and ended up being skipped) from the movie version!


I know the book too and actually that scene is in the book as well. But it is stupid to skip the tv-version which is longer and so much better for a movie version that skips so many scenes.


Oh, I can't remember that! Well, it's maybe 8-9 years since I saw the TV-version. Great movie btw :D
Gratulerer svensker! :)


The TV series are available on DVD now (6 episodes), I just ordered them. Can't wait to get it...!


Actually, about 20 minutes are missing from the movie version. The TV version is roughly 144 minutes long while the movie version is a mere 126 minutes. Among the missing scenes already mentioned there is also another scene where Ronja and Birk encounter the wild horses (I know there is such a scene in the movie/DVD version but the TV version has one more). I have both versions of the film (the short one on the computer and the long one on VHS) so I could perhaps watch them simultaneously sometime and compare!


How many episodes are there and how long are they each?


i Bet Movie version has

