MovieChat Forums > Ronja Rövardotter (1986) Discussion > Seriously, I can't get enough!

Seriously, I can't get enough!

Seriously. I can't get enough of this movie!

This is without any doubt the best Swedish movie ever made (yeah don't mention it, that's not a hot description on imdb)! But it's definitevly lingering on the border of the very tiny box with the title of "BEST MOVIES EVER MADE".

I saw this movie as a child a lot of times (yeah, I'm living, and was born in - Sweden), but I never realized what a truely incredible movie this is until I watched a couple of years ago, approx. 20 years after my first encounter. I have watched this movie four times since then, and I am still amazed. I live in Sweden and I love folk-lore, even though I've never heard of (a few of) the creatures mentioned in this film.

This movie has it all - the DVD version is amazing. It REALLY doesn't look like it was filmed more than twenty years ago - this man could REALLY edit movies.

And the stuff about me not recognozing creatures - it probably differs from province to province.

To top it off (I'm a softie) - This is the only movie that makes me cry. I hope you watch it... Lots of times.


Vildvittrorna, rumpnissarna och grådvärgarna är nog påhittade allihop av Astrid Lindgren. Men de underjordiska finns också med, och de finns med i folktron. Annars håller jag med dig. Det är en jättebra film och en av Astrids bästa böcker. Missa inte filmen på TV4 på måndag!

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


Hon hittade på namnet "Ronja" också.



Vittror och rumpnissevarelser finns det gott om i svensk folktro, men jag har nog inte sett något som kan härledas till grådvärgar.


Vittror fanns i folktron, men knappast de där Ronja-varelserna, som var fåglar med kvinnobröst. Och rumpnissarna... ja, man trodde ju på tomtar och så, men rumpnissar?

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


Det sjunde inseglet!


Yes, it is really great. I'm Norwegian and I watch it in Swedish (the Norwegian dubbing really sucks) and I use Swedish subtitles. The Ronja Røverdatter-movie is great and magnificent! I watched it today, and I still like it despite the fact that I'm 17 now :D


Hey dude, I still like it, and I am 36. ;)


I agree, and it is because a story that is not so typical for Lindgren got a great director, great movie adaptation and Swedish production for children has been the best in the world for decades (and, by the way, I am not Swedish either, never even been there).



Movies made after Lindgren usually take part in present time, or some non-determined time (that might be present as well). Locations is often rural, what makes this time question even more irrelevant (way of life, or family relations and relations with people outside families don't change quickly in rural communities).

Her characters are frequently much younger than Ronja and Birk, and target audience is often that age too, making them less interesting or boring for adults (Madicken, Bullerbyn movies - thought the latter made by genius like Hallström).

Though some of her characters (Pippi Langstrump) has some unusual or supernatural powers, her stories are usually quite realistic, and I don't remember any other that used Scandinavian mythology (like creatures in Ronja). Yes, Bröderna Lejonhjärta did contain different creatures, but this was an after-life world and not an old legend.

Unlike many other of these movies, relations among adults are much better developed, and adults are not restricted only top their relations to kids. We see their life, their problems, and children are incorporated in their world (in most other Lindgren movies children appear as the center of their world, and adults either only serve them, or annoy and cause problems, or are victims of kids' jokes, but only Ronja makes kids and adults equally important members of family, of community, of plot, of world.


Unlike many other of these movies, relations among adults are much better developed, and adults are not restricted only top their relations to kids. We see their life, their problems, and children are incorporated in their world (in most other Lindgren movies children appear as the center of their world, and adults either only serve them, or annoy and cause problems, or are victims of kids' jokes, but only Ronja makes kids and adults equally important members of family, of community, of plot, of world.

I totally agree with that. It reminds me of a dialouge in the book. When everybody finds out about Ronja's and Birk's friendship and Birk tells his mother: "She's my sister" his mother responds with something like "we'll se about that in a few years".
That response is clearly an adult joke and a child probably wouldn't get it. Can't remember if it's in the movie but I think it shows that the book isn't just about the kids.


I looked at the quotes just now and saw this one.

Undis: What do you have in cahoots with her?
Birk: She is my sister.
Undis: Sister? Right, we know how that will turn out in a few years.

That's great they kept it in. :)


Gillar att alla är svenskar här. Vi är så jävla självbelåtna =D

Drop me a line and tell me how the hell you are


It's a great movie, one of the best swedish movies, but I have no doubts to choose 'The Brothers Lionheart' as the finest swedish movie ever.

«I was on the fire escape! I saw ya!»

