MovieChat Forums > Red Dawn (1984) Discussion > Stupid political content.....

Stupid political content.....

As a slab of paranoid, right wing propaganda, no film will ever top Red Dawn. Released in the same year as Reagan’s re-election campaign, the film was no doubt intended as a cautionary tale for lazy, complacent liberals who thought the Soviets weren’t a real threat to our way of life. The film opens with a political context, and we read that in West Germany, “Greens” have been elected with the sole mission of removing nuclear weapons from that country. From this I must assume that environmentalist wackos are being held accountable for the loss of Europe, if not the world, to Lenin and his cronies. More than that, though, this film is the greatest example of an NRA recruitment piece that I have ever seen. “See,” the filmmakers seem to be saying, “without individual gun ownership those kids never could have fought back and the nation would have been lost!” The film even states that when the Commies set up their bases, the first people they seek out for extermination are those with guns. One of the colonels says that since their names are recorded, they will be easy to find. Get it? We must eliminate background checks and gun registration or else the Commies will know who we are! From all accounts, the Second Amendment was written just for this very purpose; so that when the evildoers come for our wheat, we can take up arms and save civilization. After all, if the bombs fall and the armies are tied up elsewhere, who else will kill those red sons-a-bitches?

Given that this is a John Milius film (a self-described fascist, I might add), the kids are easily and happily transformed from passive pussies into hardened killing machines within a few days. One of the kids even says, in response to a question about how it was to kill a man, “It was good.” Red Dawn, therefore, lays bare the true ideas of the extreme right-wing in this country and what they want us all to be — god-fearin’, gun-lovin’, and willing to kill for the Stars and Stripes. And finally, just for good measure, Europe is said to be “sitting this one out,” which is another way of saying that them Europeans is just a bunch a no-good, Commie-lovin’ atheistic *beep* Republicans then, Republicans now.



Given that this is a John Milius film (a self-described fascist, I might add),

When did he call himself a fascist? He has described himself as:

"Milius is a self-proclaimed Zen anarchist, but he also publicly aligns himself with conservative factions in Hollywood and he was interviewed in the documentary Rated R: Republicans in Hollywood. Consistent with his conservative leanings, he has also been consultant to a military think tank, the Institute for Creative Technologies.[31] Milius:

I’m not a reactionary — I’m just a right-wing extremist so far beyond the Christian Identity people like that and stuff, that they can’t even imagine. I’m so far beyond that I’m a Maoist. I’m an anarchist. I’ve always been an anarchist. Any true, real right-winger if he goes far enough hates all form of government, because government should be done to cattle and not human beings.[38]"

That's pretty much antithetical to fascism an ideology that calls for state control of nearly all non-trivial activity.


You forgot to include a comment about how gun ownership relates directly to a man's insecurity about his penis.



You forgot to include a comment about how gun ownership relates directly to a man's insecurity about his penis.

Haha, well if the shoe fits...


Is that right? Well, if I'm ever in a public setting and Muhammad tries to wage jihad, I'll remember what you wrote when I decide to NOT use my concealed weapon and put a bullet between his eyes.


From this I must assume that environmentalist wackos are being held accountable for the loss of Europe

Well, not the environmentalists so much as the pacifists.


I agree with the OP! -stupidest-film-ever-made/

Could Red Dawn actually be the stupidest film ever made?

It seems possible. This is, after all, a movie made in 1984 which depicts the United States succumbing to a land invasion by the Soviet Union. That’s right. You read it correctly. A Russian land invasion of the USA. At the height of age of nuclear super power confrontation. The opening scenes see a high school teacher being distracted from his teaching by the sudden arrival of an army of Russian parachutists, suddenly descending on the ground outside. When he goes to investigate, he is promptly machine gunned to death...


That pinhead disqualifies himself in his next paragraph, especially with the bolded line.

A high school massacre ensues. Not the traditional sort of US high school massacre with Americans shooting each other which we are so used to either. The director John Milius would presumably defend every American’s right to do that, after all.

EDIT: Oh. YOU wrote this. There's too much stupid in your column to comment on, but suffice it to say, when it crescendos up to your wishing the Eastern Bloc had won the Cold War, that's to be expected.




Scathing riposte!

Look, you start out with the asinine notion that anyone supports a "right" of Americans to shoot each other in horrific crimes and end with the wish that the Eastern Bloc won the cold war.

Your commentary is bat-guano inane.


The premise may be silly and not realistic but that does not mean it's "right-wing propaganda". Had this film been about an invasion of the Soviet Union by the United States, you might have an argument. This film plots the Soviet invasion of the United States. This is a picture advocating self-defense.

I don't support the current state of foreign policy my government employs around the globe. I want to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan, I want to stop funding Israel and the Arab Spring and I want to close every military base not on US territory. But I'll be damned if I'd support an invasion of my country. Self-defense is not right-wing.

Get your facts right too. Your description if Milius as a self-described fascist is completely false.


They tried to make a left wing version of Red Dawn but the dialog was muffled from constantly kissing the commies a**


Correction: Continental Europe was sitting it out. England was still fighting the good fight.



Is "87" your birth year?

Here's the thing -- if you didn't live through the time period with at least semi-adult consciousness, you really have no basis whatever on which to say something is "paranoid." You weren't there. You don't know. You live in a comfortable future where things which could have happened ended up NOT happening, and you think that's the only way it could have gone.


Most intelligent people at the time thought the film was ridiculous too.


And in your world, "intelligent" is no doubt a term reserved to describe those who find this film ridiculous. Thus, your statement tells us nothing about either actual intelligence or the merits of this film.


I've already written a fair bit about that actually!


Yes. You use yourself as a reference quite a bit. Makes the whole "fabrication from whole cloth" thing much easier.


I don't reference myself at all.


Um . . . you just did.
