Favorite scenes

My favorite scene was when Sunny and Michael were together in the bathroom at this party someone had at their home and he had started kissing her.


My favorite part of the movie is Goldie’s ending speech about “We the People.” I was moved when she tells that “We the People” are responsible for the actions of those who work for us (USA Legislators). That when these Legislators welcome dictators to the white house, give them massive money and weapons in exchange for favors…we are responsible. We are responsible when we allow the government to make poor judgments and never be accountable for their mistakes. We are responsible to speak up. They work for us.

We are responsible for hungry children, homeless, untreated mentally ill, needlessly sick and dying but seem to have money for other countries and the world largest military. (Okay, some of that is my version.) This year I personally saw the number of small, government jets come to The Kentucky Derby. I did not understand why “we the people” are paying taxes for these officials to fly to such events at government expense. That is “we the people” paying for those trips and many others.

When the U.S. government demands to spend an additional $700 million to move railroad tracks farther inland (on the Mississippi Gulf Coast after Katrina) when the railroad company (who repeatedly said the tracks are repaired and no changes needed) had just spent $300 million to repair the damaged tracks…we are responsible.

When the U.S. government gives Alaska $480 million dollars to build two bridges that go to islands where only about forty people live…we are responsible. Fortunately, the media joined the outrage and stopped the two bridges. But, Alaska was still given the money and told to find some other way to spend it. Why? The money had already been placed in the budget so they had to take it.

We are responsible for speaking up. That’s my favorite part of the movie.



Dramatic scene:

Her testimony at the U.S. Senate hearing was moving all right.

But this is primarily a comedy and what I found the funniest part, was when Al Kabeer was extolling the beauty of Sunny and when he was getting too erotic and mentioned her "breasts" and "loins" and the emir tells him shut up.

I found that hysterical. Al Kabeer was clearly the most sympathetic non-American in the movie. Great that Sunny brings him to America as her babysitter.


my favourite scenes involved sunny and her two gay flatmates , they were funny, i also loved the house they lived in too.


I liked the safari club scene with the fight. When they're playing that Lou Reed song and the roomates' dancing on the table.


My fav scene? Well, let me see, perhaps the scene where Sunny got undressed by the women at the Emir's harem. Frankly, besides watching Goldie Hawn still at her prime, this movie doesn't offer anything remotely funny nor interesting.


Every time her local TV covers her--at the parade and at the end. It kills me that everything revolves around Schmitters Hardware.
