MovieChat Forums > The Philadelphia Experiment (1984) Discussion > Continutiy problem with Jim Parker's clo...

Continutiy problem with Jim Parker's clothes when he returns to the ship

In the film you will recall that Jimmy Parker is hospitalized. He is lying in a hospital bed dressed in a hospital gown, not his own clothes. His navy work uniform, that he arrived in 1984 wearing, has been taken from him. In this scene he disapprears from the bed in an electro-magnetic field dressed in the hospital gown and presumably returns to the Eldridge, that is still stranded in the space-time continum hole. Yet, when David Herdeg returns to the ship outfitted in the protective suit of copper coils and speaks to Jimmy, we see Jimmy now dressed in his navy work uniform, not the hospital gown. When did he get changed from the hospital gown back into his navy fatigues? How did the continuity people miss this one?

Also, David, removes and leaves behind on the ship his helmet before he again jumps over the side and returns to 1984, leaving behind a mysterious artifact from 1984 that will return to 1943 with the ship.


Good spot! I'm usually pretty good at noticing those little things, but I completely missed those two.


Hmm, good flub, but...I'd say that when David travels back, Jim hasn't time travelled yet(??). The version that David sees is still Jimmy in pain from the initial shock.

Or they just bleeped up.


He also has his gloves when he returns to 1984. He threw them in his helmet when he went back to 1943- on the ship.



They DID find his helmet on the ship when it returned to 1943. They back-engineered it and built the NASA space program around the technology in the 1950s.


My impression was similar to another poster that he went back in time to before they jumped over the ship and therefore his clothes and gloves or whatever were there in the past since he had not left the ship yet. The only thing that stayed intact was his memory for he does make a comment to David about going back so he does remember the hospital and what happened. That itself is kind of odd that he would remember that but I suppose in time travel you can retain your memory even if you are now back on a previous point in time. I remember in the Time Tunnel that the two actors sometimes had different clothes on when they left where they were but while going through the tunnel their former clothes reappeared back on them.
