what if they killed him?

OK so the scientists/army want to catch up with this guy because he may hold the answer to the hole in the space-time continuum that threatens to destroy the earth! etc etc.

What do they do when they catch up with him? THEY OPEN FIRE ON HIS VEHICLE!

Way to go guys!

Apart from that minor indescretion, an enjoyable movie :)


I don't think they were trying to kill him. At the beginning of the chase, the guy in charge told them to "slow him down." I think they were trying to shoot out his tires.


The OP is correct, it was ridiculous... they obviously didn't think it through and just went for an all out action sequence. They start by shooting at his tires but when they're chasing him through the fields of the farm they're shooting through his back window for about 5 minutes!!! The only really crap part of the movie, apart from the suit he had to wear in the end.

"Kunta Kinte... yabba dabba dabba doo"


I agree. i was watching this again and I know the Dr. told them to bring David to him. But the first thing they do is start shooting. It did not even come across to me they were shooting at tires. I'm yelling at the screen saying why are you shooting at and trying to kill him. He is needed. That was totally illogical to have them shooting at him and you are so right about the back window. They could have killed them both causing a wreck as well that could kill them. Gosh if he had been killed that stupid town would still be gone and their planet forever doomed because those stupid idiots killed the person they needed lol

And yeah I didn't get that suit thing. Was it to protect him from radiation. I thought he was already contaminated and that wouldn't make any difference at all if he wore just his regular clothes.
