Alec Guiness

I watched the film. Can't wait to read the book. Saw the message boards about making the movie and about how hard the actors had with the director. First, I thought Alec Guiness did play a good part in it. Common sense character that tolerated the English and understood the India commoners. I see this was made when Ghandi came out. Kinda wish an Indian played the part though. Would have made the character more believable rather than a ' comic relief'. The scenery was breathtaking! But I can understand how hot it was. I think the climate and the continent were a Mcguffin.


I would't say his character was one of "common sense." His fatalism is so extreme that he sees no point in expressing sympathy for either Adela or Aziz. A man of common sense would be sympathetic in such circumstances, and he would certainly understand that his facile assertions of fatalism would be offensive.
