why doest Nancy get the respect

that Lauri Strode does

I thought Nancy was terrific


no opinion?


Maybe because Curtis had a better career than Langenkamp and also her mom being in Psycho links her to the genre, which was great advertising... etc


In regards to character, she does. As it relates to the actress, one is Jamie Lee Curtis, who had a lengthy, if not nepotistic career, and the other, is/did not.


Nancy is a little annoying at times. Yes she had reason to be but still. Beyond that, she's not really lacking, it's just that Laurie Strode is the perfect ultimate definitive final girl


Nancy was way hotter than Laurie.


I like both. Frankly I will say though that Nancy is a bit better. Sure Lori got a few attacks on Mike Myers but Nancy was able to really kick Freddy's butt in the dream world. It's just too bad she wasn't awake like she thought.


Big careers, different Arch-nemesis, different stories.


She never went out with Ben Tramer.
