Does part three explain

The ending of the first movie? As a standalone, and make sense. If you just watch this movie and that's all that you count, Freddy wins. But if you count at least some of the sequels, he comes back and so does Nancy, so how does part three explain the ending of this movie – if at all?


Clearly the intent of the first movie was Nancy was Killed just as the clear intent of the 2nd movie was that Jesse was killed. It was kinda like bad endings in "Are you Afraid of the Dark" an example the Pinball episode.

The kid think's he won and is free but it's a trick and we see he is still stuck in the pinball machine and he sees the giant Pinball about to come off the escalator to start a game and they don't explicitly say it but we know that he was stuck in the pinball machine until he died.

But they needed to draw money for Part 3 so Nancy lives to give an even less convincing performance than the Original


I thought they said she was alive in 2


As far as I know her fate was left ambiguous


it was just lazy writing.. i hate when these "dream" movies always leave an open ending. Inception was the same garbage


I thought that the original intent was just for Nancy to walk out side into the bright day, but New Line decided that they wanted a sequel so they just tacked it on to show that Freddy wasn't dead.


They definitely intend to kill her, which is fine, I just wish they made some sort of effort to explain her return part three.


In the Never Sleep Again documentary they talk about the ending. Craven wanted Nancy to wake up on a bright sunny day and just walk away. Bob Shay wanted a "hook ending" and he got it. Craven said he felt bad for doing it but because New Line was the only way to get the film off the ground so he gave them the ending that they wanted.

I've always thought of it that the end was just a dream that Nancy had, that her mom and friends were still alive, but in reality they were still dead. After seeing the third one, we know that she stopped dreaming with the hypnocil so it could be inferred that she started taking it right away after the first one.


It's kind of left for the viewers to decide how she survived. Maybe the dream at the end was Freddy messing with her to say, "I killed your friends and I can't bring them back! Now you'll suffer the rest of your life!" He left her alone after that thinking she wouldn't have the courage to face him again. And also that her losing her friends is the ultimate revenge on her especially since he was able to kill her mom. That's my take on it.


If you are only counting the first movie, then I would say she died. But if you are a fan of the third one then I guess my theory is that the ending of the first movie was simply a dream. She dreamed about Freddie, but he wasn't actually there.


The ending previous the dream sequence at the very end did happen, Freddy killed Nancy's mom as she said in part 3 that she died in her sleep, the dream sequence apparently happened too and that would be the reason Nancy is on hypnocil since then till part 3, I guess Freddy was too weak to kill Nancy in that dream sequence and she started to take hypnocil right after that so she would be safe from him.


The ending was forced on Craven, so New Line could get on with the sequels. It never gets referenced in 3.
