My favorite kill in the series

Tina's death is my favorite in the whole franchise, and one of the most iconic horror scenes of all time! Here's a video where I talk more about and it give my top 10 kills in the Nightmare on Elm Street saga.

Which kill is your fav?


This one is my favorite too. So scary! I saw it at age 10 and scared me so much I couldn't sleep alone for over three months.


Phillip's death in Dream Warriors where Freddy uses his ligaments as puppet strings.


I've yet to see a death in any horror movie that's as good as Tina's death scene.


Tina's death is my favorite in the whole franchise, and one of the most iconic horror scenes of all time!

They kinda re-did her death in "New Nightmare" with Julie, Dylan's Nanny in Dylan's hospital room.

I thought Freddy was a very interesting killer, making some of the deaths look like suicides (Rod's hanging in jail in #1, Phillip's "jumping" off the roof in #3, etc..)

My favorites based on being different in no order:
-Jennifer's death in the TV in #3.
-Taryn's death in #3 the smacking lips on her arm for the needles
-The killing of Glen in the bed in #1
-Mark in a comic book in #5
-Spencer in the video game in #6
-Carlos' hearing aid in #6 (Freddy with the chalkboard? *shudders*)
-The kid "John Doe" in #6 - the whole thing was hilarious.. he kept going through the same thing, then finally says "NOTHING is gonna make me get off this bed!" then it starts on fire and he's like "CRAP!" He thought he wasn't getting killed because he was Freddy's kid. Then as he was finally dying, he says to Maggie "It wasn't a boy!" meaning Freddy's kid was a girl.

I also liked when Maggie (aka Katherine Krueger) brought Freddy out of the dream and was holding his hand, then said "I remember holding your hand as a child... I hated it then too!" and then cracked his hand/fingers off. Then she put on the glove and killed Freddy. in #6 "Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare"


Here's a video where I talk more about and it give my top 10 kills in the Nightmare on Elm Street saga.

I liked all of those same kills! But I listed only a few of them. I actually forgot about that claw from "New Nightmare"!

When I wrote my post, I was thinking of the more original kind of deaths which is why I listed these:
My favorites based on being different in no order:
-Jennifer's death in the TV in #3.
-Taryn's death in #3 the smacking lips on her arm for the needles
-The killing of Glen in the bed in #1
-Mark in a comic book in #5
-Spencer in the video game in #6
-Carlos' hearing aid in #6 (Freddy with the chalkboard? *shudders*)
-The kid "John Doe" in #6

I don't know how I could forget Debbie and Phillip! I didn't actually "forget" them, I just didn't put them in my list since it was getting so long. :)


I don't care what anyone thinks, I still think it is the scariest (starting from the teeth hitting the window, ending with her death)horror death scene in the history of horror cinema. The ally scene alone is terrifying as is the backyard confrontation. Then her being dragged up the walls and ceiling. Its just chilling and still works just as well today as it did then.

Haters gonna hate


I remember when my parents rented this movie on VHS when I was 7. For some reason they allowed me to watch that particular series. I guess because Freddy had a reputation for being funny by that point. But anyways, I wasn't sure I'd like the movie so I went upstairs to play video games or something. I ended up coming back downstairs as Tina was being dragged across the ceiling and from then on I was hooked. As soon as it was over it became a favorite movie of mine and I had to see all the sequels.

It's still one of the best horror deaths I've seen to this day and I'll never forget seeing it that first time.
