
Just thought I'd share with fellow Mutant fans the fact that the soundtrack is available at Richard Band's website.


a few years ago intrada had it for $1.99. the only good track is the last one. I'll hold onto my lp. verese. all the richard band soundtracks stink. they're campy which is okay for some . . . but they all sound as good as michael perlstein's the deadly spawn to me. hey i have that lp also.


Wow, I couldn't possibly disagree any more. This is a FANTASTIC soundtrack for a bad movie, something Richard Band seems to deliver frequently. Not cheesy at all. The tracks "Mike's Death", "Josh Walks Through Town", "Josh and Holly", and yes, especially "End Credits", are probably some of the best music ever written for a horror film. Just beautiful. The horror cues are outstandingly well structured and orchestrated. One of my personal favs, this score is.

Put some Pouda on my face, 'cause its made of fried dough!


Band's score here is really, really terrific, but I won't be buying the soundtrack. Why? Because if I listen to it enough times and then go and watch "Mutant" again, then the music doesn't quite engulf me as it should.


Apparently Preservance Records just bought the rights to RE-RELEASE the score. Hopefully that means more Band releases in the future...

Put some Pouda on my face, 'cause its made of fried dough!


I love Band's score to death, but I don't generally purchase soundtracks in that I'll become so used to the music that when I watch the film it loses its effectiveness.


There shall be no more negativity toward this score. If anything, it's what makes the film (which I haven't seen, but have heard plenty about) worth remembering.

I've had the Intrada release for a while and not only is the music fantastic, but Roger Feigelson's liner notes are enjoyable.


choyt19 I'm glad you agree! It's truly one of the best horror scores ever written. I love it to pieces. What are your thoughts on the score, besides your obvious enthusiasm for it?

Put some Pouda on my face, 'cause its made of fried dough!


I'm a huge Richard Band fan, but I thought his approach did not work for this film.

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