Worst film I own

Well, other than The Phantom Menace...

SW EP1 "If it wasn't for Jedis with Lightsabers it would have been laughed off the screen."


You must not own many horror flicks...........

Cause this movie is leaps and bounds above alot of other horror films!



I'm lucky enough not to own a copy of Phantom Menace... :-) Mutant is that bad you think???....MMmmMMm The worst I own is G.I.Jane...


I saw this Friday,thank god I don't own this(netflix)It's a piece of garbage.
I can't believe I sat through the whole thing.


You should watch it again and drink some booze. It'll help. I promise.


I personally think "Mutant" is a very good, creepy and criminally underrated fright flick. Granted, the story is hackneyed, but John "Bud" Cardos' solid direction, the uniformly sound acting from a fine cast (Wings Hauser and Bo Hopkins in particular are excellent), genuinely engaging characters, spooky atmosphere, Richard Band's nicely eerie, understated score and several zestfully staged shock set pieces and thrilling action scenes make this baby a well above average horror feature.

"Warren Oders died for our sins"



Just send me your copy. I won't pay you a dime, of course, but at least it'll be out of your house.


The movie was fair, at the very most. It doesn't really pick up until the later half. Everything with the zombie swarms was good. The whole school house scene and the "trapped in the basement" scene were aweomse. What I disliked was the conversations, particularly between the Sheriff and the doctor, which were pretty damn boring(all the ex-lover babble). I really couldn't say I cared for any of the characters at all. The only real sympathetic character(the little brother) was killed off too fast. Well, the kid in the school house was kinda sympathetic, but really not much character development going around. I always compare this flick with C.H.U.D because both start off really slowly and the bulk of the real action(regarding the presence of each movie's respectable monsters) happens late in the movie. These movies are more "Mystery Horror" than traditional zombie/monster movies. I personally fell asleep during the first views of both movies and couldn't get into them until my second view, but even then, I can say I enjoyed C.H.U.D a little more than Mutant.


How can you even put Mutant on the same collection as Phantom Menace? The PM is garbage!!

Mutant is one of my favs.

I would say the Mangler 2 is the worst film in my collection. well maybe the new Day of the dead too.


I saw this last night. Course I saw it for the Rifftrax commentary, but the movie itself wasn't half bad I must admit. A little predictable at times, but the ending wasn't what I expected. Much cooler.



If this is the worst film you own, then I'd say you would probably have to own only three to four films at the most. This film was great. It had interesting characters, great acting (especially from Lee Montgomery who is one of my favorites), a good, well written, suspenseful story and pretty good special effects in my opinion. This is a very fun movie to watch and I am glad that I own a copy of it.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.
