*Spoiler* Bump Bailey

What was the deal with the death of this character? It was so abrupt and out of place in the film.

One minute the film is setting up a Maverick / Iceman style rivalry between Bump and Hobbs (Bump even looked like he was about to beat Hobbs with his bat). In the very next scene Bump runs through a wall, dies, and that's it. That whole thing is over. His girlfriend only seems to care about it for about 15 seconds.

I almost had to stop watching at this point. I enjoyed the rest of the film but just found that bit to have been done horribly.


That part made me laugh so hard. I completely agree, it was extremely abrupt. But I guess they needed a way for Roy to start playing in the field.


I love that scene and laughed at the abruptness and craziness of it- it went right along with the "hit the cover off the ball" and exploding stadium lights scenes in their over-the-top-ness. Jeez what's not to understand about Bump feeling the pressure from Hobbs & manager and trying to go all out on a play that ends up killing him? Lol. The best part was the newsreel right after it announcing Bump's death. Too funny.


Actually, it also set up the fact that Memo was just Gus' tool, to be used where and on whom he said. She was following Gus' orders to "bump" Bump, and then as soon as he was dead, Gus re-assigned her, and she happily moved on to her new "duties".


If you mean by bumping Bump Memo was supposed to in effect wear him out with their relationship you're right. She pooped him out so much that his performance fell apart much like what happened to Hobbs, which was the intention of Gus. Good insight I never really caught on to that with Memo and Bump.


What an absurdly hilarious moment. A guy, named Bump, dies bumping head first through the outfield wall. Then gets his ashes dumped on the field. LMAO
