NEW Starfigher movie!

Starfighter (2010) (this IMDb page has been removed)

25 years ago, He saved the Star League and hundreds of worlds, including Earth. Now He's returned ... and Earth's got company coming.

A link to download the game:



Thank God that it isn't another fking remake!


That link hasn't been updated with any news in well over a year. Talk about a sequel died down a long time ago. It's unfortunate because I would have loved to have seen a sequel.

Get on the chew pipe!



"White escapist adventure?" "Jewish Dominated universailist Hollyweird?" Geeze, don't you sound like the voice of reason. Great stories are not race based and you, sir, make me feel like I emerged into a Nazi-victory elseworld. I feel sorry for your closed-mindedness. Movies like The Last Starfighter encouraged my love of sci-fi and pushed me into writing. You should be ashamed to post such virulently hateful words in a multi-special movie's site. Our fate will be decided...



"Look at the number of stories in the world which have made it to print or film or even common oral histories. They come out of caucasian Europe. . . We are brilliant verbal conceptualists in the same way the Asians often have deeper visual/spatial understandings or Jews have superior math and logic skills. ""

As every undergraduate student of folklore and mythology knows, every culture on Earth has created stories, and many of them even fall into the same types of categories (for which there is a name, Aarne–Thompson classification) There are countless examples of great mathematicians, artists, and "conceptualists" from every ethnic background. The history of mathematics for example spans every culture, from greece to india to china.

"Our dreams and aspirations, progressively realized as an interaction between a majority white cast and audience made 'The Last Star Fighter' the good film it was. "

I can guarantee you that if you ask 1000 random people why they liked TLSF, absolutely none of them will agree, even remotely, with what you have written here.

"Jews dominate the world by seeking to fragment it . . . There is a reason why 2% of this nation control 35% . . . I sound like someone who has made a study of the history . . . socialist wonderland . . . lies of Holocaust . . . Hitler, advised of the destructive power of these weapons by Fritz Todt, who decided that such weapons would not be used by Germany "

If you have truly read history, you would not be making the blatantly false statements about the history of mythology, folklore, mathematics, race, ethnicity, WWII, the Nazi governmental philosophy and structure, the holocaust, nuclear weapons, the structure of wealth in the US, and so forth and so on. Reading a bunch of conspiracy theories and propaganda is not the same thing as reading actual history - history is a science and it is based on evidence, and only on evidence. When a 'student of history' finds a bunch of evidence that contradicts a theory, then that theory is discarded. A 'student of history' doesnt hold on to a theory for which there are mountains of credible evidence contradicting it.

"you are on the side of entropic decay into LCD base state of endless exploitation . . you are at least partly responsible for perpetuating a false myth of 'humanness' which has nothing to do with sapient intelligence"

holy @#$@#$. get some help man.



That link doesn't work

I really do not think there are plans for a remake or a sequel at this point.

Join the club:


I the hyperlink does not function because IMDb has removed that information page.




Thanks Marko

Maybe there were plans for a sequel, which were later scrubbed?

Anyway, cool movie. If there ever were a sequel, I'd definitely go see it.


Sequel was/is still in the works but there's an issue with the copyrights for the sequel since it was handled by 3-4 different parties. I learned from the man himself, Transformers and Real Steel producer Don Murphy, that he's one of the producers on the "sequel", but Nick Castle may no longer be connected as director which is truly sad. I was lookong forward to a build-up in anticipation like TRON:LEGACY encountered. Please let Nick still be involved because he really helped mold the script for the original film and gave it more heart.


Re: Don Murphy

the other weird thing that transpired preceding/following the "chat session" with Don Murphy was he questioned me where and when he mentioned his involvement with STARFIGHTER and when pressed to reveal how/when(which I did in rapid fashion)he relented with the info, then deleted me shortly thereafter as a friend on

For someone who claims to be a film geek/Producer who's all about the fans...that was pretty harsh.


Did anyone have any doubt that that entire project was nothing but a pipedream?


Considering I saw a teaser poster for a new "Footloose", anything's possible.


Catherine Mary Stewart told me the following: (1) Nick Castle does have a script for STARFIGHTER (2) She and Lance would love to do it (3) it all depends on financing and copyrights. If TRON:LEGACY could bring in some B.O. then a Starfighter sequel NOT reboot is a sure bet.


Ugghhh, this movie was a "STAR WARS" with an earthling with "earthly" traits instead of "Luke Skywalker" with "Tatooine" traits and a different way of becoming the savior of the univers.


Prove me wrong.


Have you seen either movie? You obviously have not. Only things that are similiar are the fact that they fight in spacecraft, period.

I proved you wrong.


I didn't see the movie in the theater but when it was released on VHS. I do recall at the ending of the movie it mentioned to stay tuned for Starfighter II, actually came at the end of the credits. I noticed that part was always missing when it played on TV.


I think you're confusing this with Superman: The Movie. That originally had "Coming next year: Superman II" right at the end because most of Superman II had been shot at the same time before they decided to focus on getting the first movie into the theaters. But finishing the second movie took two years longer than they thought, so that didn't work out. After Superman II came out, there was no need to keep that card in the credits, especially on TV. That card has since been replaced with film restoration credits on the Blu-ray release.


This is what the page looked like:

Comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable


I'm kind of surprised they haven't remade this yet.


You and me both - I personally believe that this movie is screaming to either be remade, or for there to be a sequel. Either one would work because a remake could be done very very well with today's film-making capabilities, and a sequel wouldn't be out of the question because Xur escapes in the original. He could resurface as a threat, and Centauri and Alex could go on X-Box online on earth to recruit new Starfighter aces. In any case, external threats to life on Earth is a common theme in movies - a suitable script could be done pretty easily.

My name is Gladiator - Maximus Decimus Meridius
