Very surprised...

That this movie has such a low rating among IMDBers. I caught it on WE the other day and i find the acting, the story and the writing fantastic. I was actually coming over here to find out if it won any awards. This movie is totally underrated.



This movie was a real sleeper that I don't think a lot of people caught during its theatrical release. I was lucky enough to see this film in the theaters during its initial release and was surprisingly impressed by this intelligent and winning family comedy. It's a clever story mounted well with a strong cast. I believe Ryan O'Neal delivered the best performance of his career in this film and Shelly Long has rarely been more appealing onscreen. Drew Barrymore hit all the right notes as the daughter torn between her parents and Sharon Stone made a strong impression in an early homwrecker role, the kind of role she would later be able to play in her sleep.


I loved this movie. For a 22 year old movie, it still translates perfectly, and is relevant today. I thought this was Shelley Long's best performance ever, although the character of Lucy was certainly one she would use again and again, (i.e. Diane Chambers). Ryan O'Neal was so likeable, particulary at the beginning when Lucy and Albert were falling in love.
I'm not sure why it didn't do better. Seriously underrated movie.

"I know a little German. He's sitting right over there."


Technically, Lucy came AFTER Diane Chambers.


I know!!! I was SO suprised when I saw the review! I loved this movie...I may just be naive. Hey that fine with me though. :)

"A tie is just a noose upside down"


Yes, this movie deserves more attention.


Yes, very underrated, and an excellant performance by Ryan.

"I can understand it, but I don't like it none!"--Cheyenne.


Yes, admittedly this movie should have a much higher rating, but that's how things go on IMDb. I find some overall ratings extremely strange, especially since so many different people supposedly vote on some of them.

However, part of it may be that if someone feels strongly (either negatively or positively) about a movie, then they are more likely to come on here (even if they had never used the site before) and vote either really low or really high. It is an inherent and automatic bias (for lack of a better term), so doesn't really reflect the real picture in the long run, which is why the rating of ANY movie on here doesn't mean a thing to me.

Thus, I use this site only for general information, and mostly only find amusement in the love/hate review setting, which really says a lot about human nature and experience.


I saw this movie when I was a kid. My dad took me to see it. We had previously seen Drew Barrymore in E.T. and Firestarter, and I was 13, and we were trying to do things together . This was Drew's 2nd movie after E.T. It was a sleeper hit, but was promoted as a fun kids movie; therefore, I don't think anyone took it seriously, which is fine with me. Because it's a fun movie that was very well done and is about people, unlike so many of today's movies that are all about special effects. I just watched this movie earlier today, and I still like it. I still love Drew Barrymore, too....
