Tunger knivur

Isn't this one of the most classic lines in movie history?


that meant heavy knife, right?

First comes heavy breathing, staring at the ceiling
TWA (Tom Welling's Army)


Yes that means heavy knive, or as they say in Iceland. "Þungur hnífur", man i thought that was sooooo lame, i laughed so hard. Hehe its so fun to watch someone who isnt icelandic trying to write and say icelandic word.

Vá ég get bara skrifað hvað sem er hérna og þið vitið ekkert hvað ég er að skrifa, sweet marh.

Im not gonna loose, loosing is for loosers, do i look like a looser.


jú ég veit það ;)


Jag får allt dricka en del brännvin innan jag lyckas skriva isländska :P

In any case, icelanders are great and hardy people.
Cheers to you brothers out there on your island ;P


Jag kan skriva på både svenska och Islänska. Lätt som en plätt.

Og ég tharf ekkert brennivín till thess. Thid afsakid ad ég nota vitlausa stafi en ég sit vid Saenska tölvu.


ég skil ykkur helvítis íslendingar


"Tunger knivur" looks like Götaland Swedish; "tunger kniv".

Yes, this line is the most famous, at least here in Sweden. Swedes usually cite it as "donkur knivur", e.g. Agneta Sjödin ( http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0803605/ ) in the swedish late 90's tv show "Småstjärnorna" ("Junior Stars") when chatting with a little "star" girl with icelandic parents. (I think she said something like "I know some Icelandic too; 'Donkur knivur' - Heavy knife".) Whenever a swede meets an icelander this line is quoted. A similar things happens when a swede meets a finn: "I know some finnish; 'Ei sa peitää' - Do not cover". The phrase 'Ei sa peitää' is written on swedish heat elements. remember the tight bounds between Sweden and Finland. Also food manufactured and sold in Sweden and Finland usually has a swedish and a finnish name.


that excplains alot of strange conversations i have had with swedish people.


hahahhh Ei sa peitää!! Yes, my first line I learned in Finnish too.
I remembered in grammarschool when I sat close to the radiator in the classroom. Sometimes reading warninglabels on heatelements were more exicting than schoolworks. Its still a sentence i use now and then.




Its so right! Its so cool to be nordic. Lets unite. Together we could conquer the world!



myndin var góð en hún er gömul :)


Isn't it "kvikmynd" in Icelandic?


You can say "Mynd" as well, although then it could be confused with either a painting or a photo, though usually people know what you're talking about from the context.


As the Swedish bloke I am, I'm constantly starting conversations with Icelandic people with "Þungur hnífur" (and we've quite a few Icelandic exchange students at my Uni, they actually don't seem to care - hell, they might even be used to it. :p).
As a conversation-starter it's the perfect line, I got an icebreaker and they know what to reply with (can't remember it in Icelandic at the moment, but if my memory serves me correct, it's something like "The knife is supposed to be heavy").
..and another thing I actually just realized, written Icelandic is _really_ easy for us Swedish people to understand (we might not get each word, but we sure get the meaning of the sentence). :p

..och jag snackar mest strunt. ..man ska inte surfa imdb på fyllan :|


”þessi hnífur á ath vera þungur" :D

Sorry for not knowing how to make the letter for "ath".
