Critters is better

Critters is better than Gremlins hands down. After the green Gremlins are born the movie gets so over the top ridiculous that I lost interest fast.

In Critters they balance the comedy and horror much more effectively and they don't beg for laughs. If you haven't seen Critters check it out. Its a more entertaining, funnier scarier alternative to this.


good film but very different tone. also, mostly due to there being no cute Gizmo, Critters is not considered a classic film like Gremlins is to many people.
I saw both movies when I was 7-8, I absolutely loved Gremlins and while I enjoyed Critters too it was much darker and more violent.

both good but no real comparison

listen to the receiving end of sirens.


DUDE Critter's a better movie than gremlins.......on what planet!
Gremlins is superior by far!


Gremlins pretty much inspired Critters, and a few other knock offs.

I honestly can't quite a remember which is better, but Gremlins was the originator of this type of film, with being more geared toward older kids/family with a PG rating for comedy/horror.

Was Critters something for an older crowd/teen and adults with its PG-13 rating, or was more gory and scary than Gremlins?

Sometimes I can't believe they got away with some of the ratings they did in the 80's, PG seems a bit tame for Gremlins.


critters was a 15 cert and it was more for older teens and adults than kids! when you say pg was to tame for gremlins do you mean it should have been a unerversal fit for all audience? or a harsher cert!


The reason why Gremlins was rated PG, and not PG-13, was because the PG-13 rating was not created yet. It took Gremlins & Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom to get the PG-13 created.


No way! I actually met the writer of Critters before he died. He started writing the script college in the 70's.


If Critters was made now, it wouldn't even get a theatrical release. That movie has Straight To Video written all over it. The script is far weaker than Gremlins'. I don't see where Gremlins begs for laughs, nor can I recall a single memorable scene from Critters. A movie I saw half a dozen times, at least, as a kid.


gremlins smashes critters back dooors in!!!

"she's the tear that hangs inside my soul forever."



critters is better? whatchu smokin'?


yeah, there was critters, ghoulies and a couple other rip-offs. Dude , critters is to gremlins what Mac & Me was to E.T.


apparently you couldn't keep up with the allegory and the sly movie in-jokes in gremlins...


Phhhhht, the Critters aren't even funny. The just roll and shoot quills. The Gremlins actually know film parody (don't ask me how since they were all born just a day earlier). But still...haha! Critters is good once in a while for a farm-in-peril creature feature, but doesn't come close to Gremlins.

Oh, for knock-offs, don't forget "Munchies."

"If I had ya where I wanted ya, they'd be pumpin your ass full of formaldehyde!"


Re: Critters is better

No it isn't!


I'm going to have to agree with the OP. Don't get me wrong, I like Gremlins and think it is a very good film, but the Krites are so adorable and make me laugh in a way no other characters can.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


>>"Sometimes I can't believe they got away with some of the ratings they did in the 80's, PG seems a bit tame for Gremlins."

There was much debate over Gremlins with its PG rating at the time. Lots of parents thought the movie was too gory to be rated PG but critics didn't think it was worthy of an R rating. At the time the PG-13 rating didn't exist and the PG-13 rating was created soon afterwards, brought about by movies such as Gremlins. I would think, though that after the creation of the new rating, that Gremlins would be moved from PG to PG-13.
