Winston's Hiring

It's hard to believe that the Ghostbusters are a media sensation and hugely popular yet Winston basically walks off the street into the office and is hired with no credentials.

Wouldn't they have been flooded with people seeking a job, especially with all of the publicity they were getting?

I know that the part was supposed to be for Eddie Murphy and they had to adjust the character when he dropped out but it was still very sloppily done. I hope Leslie Jones' character isn't treated the same way.


Wouldn't they have been flooded with people seeking a job, especially with all of the publicity they were getting?
I don't think much of their media coverage portrayed the job as glamorous. People could probably tell the hours were rough. And Winston only wanted a paycheck.

I mean, I could give you singles if the plan is to make it rain at the Lobster Box.


Maybe they saw it like a pest control job. Not everybody wants to be a Dale Gribble.

Kerbal Space Program:
Failure is not an option. It's a requirement!


The montage showed the Ghostbusters on magazine covers and making national headlines. They would have attracted more than a few job seekers by that point. Winston should have been hired earlier when they were still mostly unknown.

Ah, if there's a steady paycheck in it, I'll believe anything you say.


.....we don't see the answers the other candidates gave in comparison. Winston might have been the one who actually ' met their standards. And remember a prospective employee also has to fit the company culture, or else they AND the existing staff are going to not like working together. It's possible the other candidates were just looking for 15 minutes of fame and weren't interested in work, were just applying to tell the Ghostbusters off.


Basically, he was the token black/minority.


Movies in the 80s werent as criticized logically as much back then. Internet and guving everyone a voice caused that. I mss the simplicity of not overly explaining anything to the audience. It adds mystery and lets you us your imagination.


Movies in the 80s werent as criticized logically as much back then. Internet and guving everyone a voice caused that. I mss the simplicity of not overly explaining anything to the audience. It adds mystery and lets you us your imagination.

Agreed. People can't just have fun anymore, it's all about condemning every inch of a film for having "plot holes."


Ditto now everything DOES have to be analyzed. We used imagination to fill on those gaps when I was little. Imagination is good, it provides creativity.


I can't imagine that dealing with ghosts while using a nuclear accelerator that could kill you with the radiation alone is at the top of your average persons wish list



How do we know they weren't doing job interviews before Winston showed up? Just watch the movie and have fun and stop over analyzing every little detail like a dweeb.


There is a deleted scene that shows that he was with Janine in the scene in the Montage where she asks,"Is it just a mist or does it have arms and legs?" on the phone. Thus hinting he was hired before they got national attention.


The montage was put together out of deleted scenes in many cases, so originally that scene may have been intended for later in the movie.
