"He's killing me!"... (Spoilers)

When Rob is getting hacked by Jason in the basement, he shouts that line. Is the character incredibly brave to have the presence of mind to warn the girl in such a detailed manner, or is the scene unrealistic with the use of that line? Is this guy the only victim in slasher film history that talks in sentences while getting killed?

"I'm tellin' you we ain't- we ain't alone!"



Was that the famous murder showcasing some urban syndrome wherein a woman was screaming (in NYC?) and no one came out to help at all?

"I'm tellin' you we ain't- we ain't alone!"



Kitty Genovese, yeah. Helped inspire Walter Kovaks in Watchmen.


Rob is incredibly brave. The scene is in no way unrealistic. Yes, he's the only one.


Apparently the director at one time heard this coming from outside his window when he was much younger. "He's killing me". Next morning a body was found. It scared him and he added it to the film unfortunately it didn't translate well to the screen.
