MovieChat Forums > Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984) Discussion > Question about part 2,3 and 4. Spoiler

Question about part 2,3 and 4. Spoiler

Ok we all know that part 2.3, and 4 were days apart. So what I like to know is how big is Crystal Lake. We know they part 2 is in Crystal Lake. But is part 3 and 4 in Crystal Lake and if so you would think the cops and swat team would be all over that Area since Jason killed like 8 people in part 2. So the people in part 3 and 4 have no idea Jason on the loose.



I believe part 3 is in Crystal Lake as well. That whole ocean thing was because of part 8. At the end of part 3 jason is dead and taken to a hospital. So I guess it makes sense in part 4 that the police think he's dead but I'm sure the hospital will tell them different. I just wanted to know how big crystal lake was in New Jersey. Big mistake in this series was making Jason look different in part 2,3 and 4.



Thanks that makes sense. Your post is on the money with Jason. Yes it was a different make up artist as well.


Well, considering the great lakes are as large as some seas, we can use them as a guide to how big lakes CAN get and work backwards from there. Crystal Lake, even if it were a tenth of the size of the smallest of the great lakes, would still be a formidable size whose shoreline would cover many townships and miles of coastline. Clearly in the films the lake is large enough for its shores to be the sites of summer camps, private property, and vacation spots. If we assume its borders go along multiple townships and not just the town of Crystal Lake itself, then it stands to reason Jason would have plenty of isolated spots to prey on. It doesn't matter if New Jersey has no actual lake of this size, this is a fictional lake in a fictional universe. Small town police forces are small and often underfunded and SWAT teams and the FBI didn't get called in over everything in the 80s. Not to mention I'm sure the mayor and others had a vested interest in making sure the murders did not gain national notoriety for the sake of business. Not to mention social media was not a thing back then so news travelled slower. Plus it was only two murder sites before Jason was pronounced dead and the whole ordeal of parts 2-4 took place over less than 5 days.
