Similar films

If you like this one I recommend you the following:

Angel Heart
Lord of Illusions
Jacob's Ladder

Why? For the similar atmospheres (although Lord of Illusions is a bit more "majestetic" as I see it as HUGE Clive Barker fan). Also the stories are a bit similar (more or less, it depends on what you think about those films.).

Has anybody seen those three oder films? What do you think about those four?

I'm also a big Lars von Trier (,Jim Jarmusch and Federico Fellini*) fan and The Element of Crime is not his best one but at least it is GOOD. Keep in mind that it's one of his first!

*by the way, those three mentioned are my favourite ones, and Fellini is #1.


Here are some films I think have a similar feel. Alphaville (1965) - by Jean Luc Godard. Numb (2003) - by Michael Ferris Gibson. Of course, THX 1138 (the original version, not Lucas's mindless "Director's Cut"). Blade Runner. Clockwork Orange. Brazil. Maybe City of Lost Children and Delicatessen.


Le Dernier combat


Tarkovsky - absolutely.

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Careful of Tarkosvky, have plenty of food on hand cause you are gonna be ther awhile.


"Alphaville" by Jean-Luc Godard. Pretty similar stuff in many ways.

