MovieChat Forums > Forbrydelsens element (1984) Discussion > Tarkovsky (Stalker) + Blade Runner = Goo...

Tarkovsky (Stalker) + Blade Runner = Good?

I love Stalker and Blade Runner. Both films are on my top ten list and both films have influenced this film a lot (especially Stalker, there are many scenes taken from that film). Both films are visually stunning and so is The Element of Crime. But the mixture does not work (IMO). It's like the film does not know what it wants to be. Sometime it's Tarkovsky, then suddenly everything moves fast and the action sets in, then slow Tarkovsky again...

Anyone else felt the same way?

- This comment is most likely authentic and fairly close to what I intended to say -


No, I don't see a "Stalker"-"Blade Runner" comparison at all. Elements are shared, (haw-haw), like water, the future and crime, but those are just categories you can apply to all three. They really don't compare at all.
"Stalker" is an art film about being alienated and seaching for salvation.
"Blade Runner" can sort of be compared there; Roy wants to live longer than his allotted time so he seeks his creator to see if he can get a longer life.
But "Blade Runner" takes place in a "complete" society that still funtions, a world full of people and cities and working machinery. "Stalker" takes place in a broken world that showcases it's "brokeness" and not a lot else.
"EOC" also takes place in a broken world, but the brokeness is a constant across Europe. The detective goes all over the place and we get a sense of devastation all over Europe. "Stalker" was isolated and even though showed a lot of devastation, all that devastation was with walking distance of where the movie starts. The rest of the world may have been fine.
Both may have had some influence on the Filmakers, but I think "EOC" stands by itself as both a sci-fi movie and artistic effort.


I thought it was a mix of Stalker, Alphaville and Blade Runner. How could one not see the many similarities?
