Michael Elphick?

Why was Michael Elphick cast in this film? He is terrible. I have hated him ever since I had seen him in the brilliant Withnail and I. That is the only downside about Lars von rier's debut.

'Here is a man who would not take it anymore!'


I couldn't think of a better actor in this role. He is superb. He looks the part and his cockney accent is really fitting to the character.

Other than him I think Ray Winstone would have been excellent, except maybe he was a bit too young to play Harry Grey at that time. Though he'd make a great hard-boiled detective these days.


Would tend to agree. Elphick's rough realism brought an odd realism to an unreal film. Also, his voice was pure Sam Spade, which heightened the noiresque element.

I don't agree he was a bad actor. Limited, yes, but he had presence. If anything this flick showed he had some sadly untapped promise.


Lars von Trier says on the commentary that he loved working with Elphick and thought his performance was excellent, but was upset and disappointed that Elphick never mentioned the film in any interviews and biographies. So maybe Elphick agreed with you, and perhaps didn't rate his performance in this very highly.

For me, I thought he was very good. Keep in mind that he is playing a character recalling events from his own subconscious while under hypnosis. He's like a somnambulist literally sleepwalking through his own life. He plays the role very well.
