last line

What does Charlie say at the very end before she walks into The New York Times office? It's: "something*something Daddy, I love you."


I just saw this a few days ago. I believe she said "I'm doing it daddy." Which I understood it to mean "I'm telling our story."


I think you are right. Thanks.



In the book (sorry! :>) she had her father's envelope with all the proof in it about the Shop.


She says "I'm doing it Daddy. I love you!" meaning she finally reached the destination they'd always tried to get to to tell Charlie's story.

Also in the book, Charlie goes to the newspaper office alone and tells a reporter she 'has something to tell & something to show'.
We assume she will tell about the Shop, and then show her powers.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


Also, in the novel she takes her story to Rolling Stone and not the New York Times. At the time, RS was a more reputable publication. If the movie were made again today I would imagine she'd be taking her story to the internet via blog. ;)


"I'm doing it daddy, I love you" was such a great line to end the movie on and then the brilliant credits music, so hauntingly beautiful
