DVD Image Comparison

There's a comparison of the picture quality of all 4 different DVD releases of this film here:


The French disc puts up a good fight, but has problems with compression so the quality decreases when you see it in motion. The Mondo Vision US disc is declared the winner in terms of both quality and special features (and English subtitles).


Indeed, the Mondo Vision release wins hands down. Probably the best standard definition transfer I've ever seen. Big shame that a producer at Mondo Vision was such an arse about DVD Beaver's review, which endorsed the Mondo Vision release. Nice to see they gave an open response back.


What we see as spectacle is in fact a ceremony


If you look at the screen grabs on the DVDBeaver page though, they are very blurred and show the disc in a poor light (even although the recommendation was positive). DVD Beaver's response just ignored the fact that some of their screen grabs are inaccurate. You can read about the whole saga here:



I have looked and I disagree they show the disc in a poor light - I hasten to add I'm referring to the Mondo Vision DVD, as you are, I assume.

I've already read the thread at the Criterion forum that you've given the link for, but thanks.

I think the following comment by ivandorris sums up the counter point of what you're saying:

The fact and I think it is a fact, that their screen capture system isn’t perfect is obviously due to the fact that they DVDBeaver isn’t a huge company with cash to burn. You feel that your work was misrepresented and maybe it was, so you should help to rectify the situation not bring down the reputation of a trusted, vital, and rare resource.
That suggestion would've been far more helpful, not to mention more appropriate course of action for Mondo Vision to take. As well as helping DVD Beaver, they could've helped themselves, too.

What we see as spectacle is in fact a ceremony


Critical_Beatdown, 2 things:

1. You don't need money to take proper screen grabs. There are programs that can do it for free.

2. I'm actually the guy that did the work on the disc, and I *did* try to help DVDBeaver fix the problem - very patiently I might add - many months before they published that notice. The site claimed there was no issue and later ignored my requests to help me help them further.

I'm glad you weren't put off by the blurred screen captures, though - and thanks for your comments on the disc.


Hi lyris1-1 1

A few things occur me to over this; most film fans are laymen – only a few of them are interested in the technical aspects of the authoring process. I make no claim to have a profound knowledge of what’s involved but I think I’ve reasonable insights of the time and work involved from the very beginning of the process (e.g. licence acquisitions, restoration, etc.) to the final product.

To be honest, I don’t put much stock in a PC image and my laptop has a 17 inch screen. They say the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and for me that means viewing the entire feature on a big good quality screen. Sites like DVD Beaver provide a useful guide.

You say the images are blurred. I’m the first to admit I can be a little anal over certain things (such as runtimes, discs being correctly flagged for progressive playback, etc.) but I’m not one to find the frame on the DVD and compare it with a screen grab on a PC. The point being, I, like many others, use the screen grabs from sites like DVD Beaver to get a basic idea of what I’m buying. The review and overall score means more to me than the screen grabs alone.

Perhaps to the more technically astute eye, those grabs are blurred, but to me they’re not and although I have to look close, it’s obvious, even on a relatively small laptop screen that the Mondo Vision DVD is superior to the rest of the discs compared.

You also have to understand that some people (like myself) judge these arguments with caution, not least because two opposing sides will always defend their position vociferously. Please don’t misunderstand, I’m not calling you a liar, however, I’ve read much on this issue – from both sides and after a while the lines can become somewhat blurred and it becomes difficult making the distinction between what’s truth and what’s hyperbole or specious.

If I sound like I’m defending DVD Beaver that’s only because over the years their site (among others) has saved me hundreds, if not thousands of pounds in helping me select the correct release to ensure I get the best possible viewing experience. I don’t think there’s any question that DVD Beaver heaped a great deal of praise on Mondo Vision’s release of La Femme Publique.

Personally, I feel the entire matter has been somewhat blown out of proportion. When I made the initial post on this thread, I’d only scratched the surface of this argument. Since then, I’ve read the views from several other sources (including the Criterion forum thread you provided). On the other hand, I appreciate a great deal of time, effort and money went into this DVD (and no doubt Mondo Vision’s other releases) and La Femme Publique is a title I held off buying for a number of years in anticipation of a release like Mondo Vision’s, which is a marvellous disc and honestly, the transfer and audio speaks for itself. For a standard definition release it’s amazing, and on my set-up looks pretty damn close to HD.

Whatever the current situation is, I think it’s time DVD Beaver and Mondo Vision made their peace. If that’s not possible, perhaps it’s better to agree to disagree and move on. DVD Beaver are an invaluable site for people like me and I’m not about to stop using them. Likewise, I highly anticipate great things from Mondo Vision’s future releases, particularly Possession. I’ve read conflicting reports about the cut status of the long OOP Anchor Bay DVD. As someone who obviously knows their Zulawski films, perhaps you could confirm one way or the other? And, if the Anchor Bay release is cut or there’s an alternative extended or director’s cut, what version will Mondo Vision be releasing and when can we expect it?

All the best.

What we see as spectacle is in fact a ceremony


Thank you - saying the DVD looks close to HD is probably the single biggest compliment you could give me.

I agree, there is no point in the two sides feuding.

Regarding Possession, unfortunately all I can ask you to do is wait a little longer. Right now, we're working on finishing up Szamanka and after that, Silver Globe (the wait between it and Szamanka should not be too long). There will be some announcements from Mondo Vision regarding the availability of upcoming titles soon - thanks for your interest!


Hi lyris1-1,

I love the Mondo-Vision releases. It's been taking some time for the Szamanka release. Also, it looks like the single disc editions of La Femme Publique and L'important C'est D'aimer are now out of print. Do you know anything about this?? Thanks so much for your great work!


It's possible that those are both sold out. These titles are produced in quite limited quantities. I'll ask Mondo Vision and see if they have any news to share on those.

Thank you for watching :)


Thanks lyris!

BTW, do you know exactly when (or at least an estimated date) Szamanka will be released? Thanks!



You don't have to look too hard and far to find these releases. As you can see (if you get there in time), Diabolik still have the regular editions of both those titles in stock as well as L’Amour Braque

www.diabolikdvd.com/category/Art-House-Favorites/Public-Woman-(Andrzej -Zulawski-~-Regular-Edition)-(NTSC-All-Region).html

www.diabolikdvd.com/category/Art-House-Favorites/L'important-C'est-D'a imer-DVD-(Regular-Edition-~-Andrzej-Zulawski's-The-Important-Thing-Is- To-Love)-(NTSC-All-Region).html

www.diabolikdvd.com/category/Art-House-Favorites/L’Amour-Braque-DVD-(L impet-Love)-(Andrzej-Zulawski-~-Regular-Edition)-(NTSC-All-Region).htm l

What we see as spectacle is in fact a ceremony


Hahah. Count me as another who bought the Mondo Vision's Limited Edition based on dvdbeaver's comparison.

I've only seen one Zulawski film, Possession, when Anchor Bay released it on vhs. I bought it when it first came out and was blown away. I also bought the dvd double-feature that came with Mario Bava's Shock. I was really excited when I thought Blue Underground were going to re-release it and, then, poof! Nothing! Glad to see the film is being worked on for a future release. If it's anything like Mondo Vision's other products, I will buy it for a third time.

Do The Mussolini! Headkick!
