Drinking on the Job

I thought it was hilarious that the NSA inspector didn't notice the liquor. Even when poking his little stick in the shred bin.

Hi, I'm God. Can I touch You?



Specially when he got close enough to smell it on their breath.


You know you have a drinking problem when, you use the office shredder to blend daiquiris.


That always bugged me. The shredder I use smells of machine oil AND it gets pieces of paper and paper dust on the cutters. This is what they drink?



It's hilarious when they are trying to clear everything up and hide it before room inspection and Gene says " get the broom " and Laurie says " what broom ? " and Gene says " We dont have a broom ?! ".For some reason,that part gets me in hysterics !.


very sly!

Hey, sprechen sie talk?


Simon-120, I agree. Doesn't seem sanitary to mix drinks using a shredder. I guess its possible they only used 1 shredder to mix drinks with. Looks like they had plenty of shredders. Still, I wouldn't do it. Also, in one scene Hutton mixes a bloody mary. So if they use the same shredder to mix margaritas, ...............not a good combination.



The alcohol would have killed any bacteria.


I had the exact same reaction when I saw them use the shredder as a blender -- there's no way that your drinks wouldn't end up with paper dust and flecks of paper in them (let alone the ink/toner residue)!
