Would you change them a la new DVD's?

I read on some other Star Wars forum that changes would be appreciated to help these films tie in with the main Star Wars trilogy.

Such as:

Add a scroll-up at the start deatiling what is happening in the SW universe (i.e. Courage is set a few months before Jedi)

We see a partially completed DSII (say, a quarter of it) above Endor after the pan-down from the scroll, with TIE's and shuttles flying about. The Towani shuttle enters frame, but is shot down by an Imperial shuttle, hence why it crash-lands on Endor in the first place.

Original opening credits removed, with opening sequence possibly trimmed slightly to accomodate this lack of credits. Narrator voice-over removed, and Ewok subtitles added on occasion to replace narration.

Then the film plays out as before, but with a cleaned-up 1.85:1 image and at least stereo sound. Matte-lines removed and effects enhanced where neccessary.

End credits re-done to match SW style.

I was in favour of this DVD being the original (untouched) release, but since I've come round the the changes made to the trilogy, enhanced versions of Courage and Battle would do nicely. The above alterations will never happen of course, but what would you guys think if they did?

There is no fate but what we make for ourselves


From what Ive read on these movies, theyre actually supposed to take place shortly after the Clone Wars. Cindel appeared in The Black Fleet Crisis books, and she was older then Luke.


Well, that was a later retcon.
There's nothing within the Ewok movies themselves to indicate exactly how they relate to the events in the "main" Star Wars movies.


Yeah the only direct connection is that Wicket is a character. And we don't know how long Ewoks live. Maybe they have a similar lifespan to Yoda's species? So this could be hundreds of years before or after the original trilogy.


I'm not sure there would be enough of a return on such an investment.
