MovieChat Forums > E la nave va (1983) Discussion > Now THIS is the way to tell a story with...

Now THIS is the way to tell a story with images

I've seen eight Fellini films, and was most unprepared to see what this offered. THAT'S a way to do a film in 1984 before there was a 1984.

My favorite's still Satyricon (1969), but that's because I'm partial to the vaguely threatening flavor of a David Lynch.


And of course it was one of Lynch's favourite. He cites it as an influence numerous times.

Last film seen: Robert Bresson's Pickpocket - Brilliant!


Agree, nobody have created films with such a wonderful imagery like Fellini did.

Perhaps Buñuel or Kubrick, but that's all IMO


It's also interesting to note that when Fellini sought out Catherine Breillat to help on the script, she turned in a huge and wordy, over-sexed script (no surprise if you know her work). One can only imagine how much Fellini changed things.


A man in a lifeboat with a rhinoceros. Then we go "behind the scene" to see that it's all an illusion. Best symbolism for "life" I've ever seen in a film. (That includes 8 1/2).


i thought the whole behind the scenes trick was kind of cheap really. The film to me is more about the death of high culture in old Europe.


This film is very funny to see, lot´s of great image compositions, the symbolism behind everything that was put there, the reality and fantasy all over when the ending comes around!

For some reason after watching several fellini films i kind of got the notion that all his post films after the fiasco of preparing G. Mastorna it all is a representation of it in a weird sense i guess.
