MovieChat Forums > Deathstalker (1983) Discussion > Complete New Concorde Sword and Sorcery ...

Complete New Concorde Sword and Sorcery Collection

Currently, I have Deathstalker 1 - 4(3 is a DVD burn of a VHS copy,
Ide like the original but its not released on DVD as far as I know),
Amazons, Barbarian Queen 1-2, and Warrior and The Sorceress. Are
there any others that I'm missing that are available on DVD?

"Contemplate this on the tree of woe"
-Thulsa Doom, Conan The Barbarian


Yep buddy, you have them all that are released on DVD. I really wish New Concorde would get of their lazy @ss's and release Warrior Queen and Deathstalker III on DVD, then yours, and my collection could be complete! Up the Irons!


Isn't Warrior Queen just the UK titling for Barbarian Queen?

"Contemplate this on the tree of woe"
-Thulsa Doom, Conan The Barbarian


Nope, Warrior Queen was made in 1987 and though similar, is a completely different film that stars Sybil Danning in the starring role and has Donald Pleasence and even Deathstalker himself Rick Hill in supporting roles. Just look it up here on imdb. I actually prefer the film to Barbarian Queen and you can pick it up on VHS for REALLY CHEAP. I still hope it comes to DVD soon so I can complete by bad barbarian collection.

A link just in case -

"I don't step on toes, I step on necks"
Braddock, Braddock: Missing In Action III


Don't forget The Sword and The Sorceror as well as Ator the Fighting Eagle.


Yes, but those aren't from New Concorde.


Your missing Amazons



I just found this video for $.50 cents - so I said WTF!

Plus it had Playboy's Barbi Benton, so how could I go wrong?!

"If I were a roach, I'd crawl all over your butter dish while you were asleep."


I also want "Wizards of The Lost Kingdom" 1 & 2 and "Sorceress" with the Harris Twins, which I think might also be from Concorde.


Wow, this was the Deathstalker boards, but we must have gone on about Sword & the Sorcerer as well!? I recall WIZARDS, which was a sci-fi/fantasy cartoon from like 1977, kinda like an early 'Heavy Metal', but it sure got some bad reviews on that the same as Wizards of the Lost Kingdom?

"The Film which you are about to see is an account of a tragedy that befell a group of 5 youths."


I found a funny review for Wizards of the Lost Kingdom, now I wanna see it! Check it out:

Yowser! Now this is bad..., 19 April 1999
Author: matt carpenter from Austin, TX
Go immediately and rent this movie. It will be be on a bottom shelf in your local video store and will be covered in dust. No one will have touched it in years. It may even be a $.50 special! It's worth ten bucks, I swear! Buy it! There aren't very many films than can compare with this - the celluloid version of that goo that forms at the bottom of a trash can after a few years. Yes, I gave it a '1,' but it really deserves much lower. 1-10 scales were not designed with stuff like this in mind.

"The Film which you are about to see is an
account of a tragedy that befell a group of 5 youths."


The first "Wizards of The Lost Kingdom" is another South American-lensed opus like "Deathstalker", while the second is a half-serious free-for-all like "Deathstalker 2". "Sorceress" has the Harris Twins, who I remember from their indictment for tax evasion regarding their sugar daddy's fortune.


I think I remember those 2 twin Arnold types - good riddance! Did they just fall off the face of the earth?


They're David and Peter Paul from "The Barbarians". The Harris Twins were two sisters, who weirdly enough, played characters who believe they are men in the film's premise. I haven't seen "Sorceress" (1982) in a long time, but I remember it had a satyr in it and when one twin had sexual intercourse the other experienced it from a distance (?!). I think the footage of the Griffin battling a huge disembodied head originated from this and ended up being recycled for "Wizards of The Lost Kingdom" (1985), which also has a gentle Yeti-like beast and a mermaid.
