MovieChat Forums > Deathstalker (1983) Discussion > Great Poster, S**t Film.

Great Poster, S**t Film.

This is one of those films I used to see on the shelf in the video store when I was a kid, and wanted to see it because it had an excellent poster.

I eventually rented it about 10 years later, and hated evrything about it. Total piece of CRAP!!!!!


I disagree. I think "Deathstalker" is a delightfully cheap'n'cheesy chunk of blithely low-brow early 80's sword and sorcery fantasy sleaze. The luscious naked bodies of Barbi Benton and especially Lana Clarkson alone make this film a trashy little winner.

Q: What's the biggest room in the world? A: The room for improvement.


Stepstone: I had the exact same experience. Growing up in the 80s, this was one of those cases that always grabbed my attention at the video store, but my parents would never let me see it. Having finally rented it nearly 20 years later (thanks, Netflix), I couldn't agree with you more. Sure, it had gratuitous blood and nudity, but between the horrendous acting and effects, I think I'd actually rather stare at the poster for an hour and a half than watch Death Stalker again.


Boris Vallejo is one of the greatest fantasy artists ever. Along with Frank Frazetta and Michael Whelan his art is premiere in the fantasy art field. Check out his work with Julie Bell at his website and learn more about this amazing artist.


I am not sure but I might have seen this in quite some time and might ahve seen it on USA UP ALL NIGHT on the USA Network at one time. I loved these kinds of movies due to the beautiful women in the movies.

I loved the cheesy movies that USA UP ALL NIGHT use to show!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


Yeah i remember seeing the artwork for what looked like wicked sword and fantasy films,with amazons wearing skimpy clothing,and big strong warriors and huge battles,then you would get home,and there would be 10 people in the film hehe,oh well at least i guess cgi comes in handy at times,as long as its not ott.


I know exactly what you mean guy! I mean cgi is good for some things but sometimes I think that they take it way too the extreme with it you know.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


lol, me too!!!!

i wound up actually buying a bunch of old fantasy movies because they had such awesome posters and i always wanted to see them when i was little

but they are all awful


I am glad you agree with me on what I am saying.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


> Boris Vallejo is one of the greatest fantasy artists ever. Along with Frank Frazetta and Michael Whelan his art is premiere in the fantasy art field. Check out his work with Julie Bell at his website and learn more about this amazing artist.

Don't forget Rowena Morrill, who started out doing Boris's type of work and went one better with complete trompe-l'oeil's that you would swear were photographs (example of the style, not Rowena: _by_David_Shankbone.jpg).

Here's her offical website:

And two of the most Boris-esque pix:

P.S. speaking of Michael Whelan, his depiction of Robert Heinlein's Friday is utterly wrong, lovely as it is. Friday is, if not an obvious negro, at least "Jamaican" in her skin coloration, by a comment made in the book.


co-signs with the experience of being thrilled at the video store; the artwork of movies in the 80's were very eye catching!
But watching those kinda movies 20 yrs later wont do justice at all. I recall when re-watching some favorite flicks of mine when i was a kid are seen as total trash, i had to throw them away or sell them at a car-boot/garage sale.
