Ownie and Frenchie

Did anyone else get the impression that Ownie and Frenchie were being depicted as a couple? I know that sounds odd, given the times, but for two guys that were supposedly just business partners, their reunion after the kidnapping was a little "familiar", don't you think?

I'm not trying to be a wiseass here; just my impression.


I've always wondered about that myself. They're obviously close friends and business partners, but the money Ownie unhesitatingly pays to free Frenchie and their reunion do strongly suggest that they're lovers.

Elvis is DEAD



No. I don´t think they were a couple. Just best of friends. If my best friend needed my kidney I´d give to him, much less 50 grand.

To me the best scene of this movie is when Frenchy came back from his kidnapping, I laughed a lot and was so sweet the sarcasm and the hugs afterwards.

That´s so funny that those two thugs managed to build a friendship even living in the underworld for so long.

"A platinum watch? You ass hole!" Sensational!


If Frenchie was Ownie's boyfriend why didn't he stand on a chair and lay a big frenchie on him when he got him back safely? I mean, no need to be shy, nobody was looking, it would have been fine for them to smooch. Right? If my wife had been kidnapped, I'd kiss her half to death.

There's a thing called friendship between men.

Of course, there's nothing in the film that proves conclusively that they weren't getting it on, but what's there that indicates that they were?

I wanna find out why I'm working - the answer can't be just to pay bills and pile up more money.


Yes, I believe we are to understand that they are a couple. The scene with the watch nails it.


No, just a couple of guys who understand each other and work well together. Like Rick and capt Renault in Casablanca.


The scene that made me think Owney and Frenchy are a couple is the bathroom scene. What straight guys check out each others pant zippers right after peeing next to each other?

The watch scene sealed it. They were so cute.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.
