Closing Credits Song?

Can anyone tell me the name of the song that plays over the last half of the closing credits? It sounds like a Duke Ellington song, but I'm not sure (it would have been nice if Coppola had credited the songs in order of play in the film, rather than by music company, sheesh!).

Thank you....


Do you mean "Mood Indigo"? It is definitely an Ellington song. Beautiful.


its "creole love call". and yeah it was a duke ellington tune but its not his band on the movie. its another band...and the singer is priscilla baskerville (i know this cause she's my voice teacher in school lol).


The instrumental during the closing credits is indeed "Mood Indigo," and is a distict Duke Ellington tune. While the recording that Coppola played was not the original, the band that rendered it did a good modern-recording imitation of the original, which Ellington and his band recorded in 1930. Hope this helps!


It was also used in The Untouchables

See some stars here


Okay, that is settled. What song is playing over the opening credits? I have the original version of the song downloaded but both title and composer are unknown.
