MovieChat Forums > The Cotton Club (1984) Discussion > Richard Gere and Nicolas Cage as Irish b...

Richard Gere and Nicolas Cage as Irish brothers.

Seriously, whose idea was that? They both look Italian, they don't look Irish at all. Strange casting indeed.

The movie is not quite the disaster it was viewed as at the time of its release. Coppola's visual flair is everywhere to be seen, the actors (even the oddly cast Gere and Cage) are good, the musical numbers are terrific and the production is gorgeous. Still, it never really adds up to much. The parts are far greater than the sum.

Interesting to see Remar, Lane and Cage with their pre-capped teeth!


Payback for Brando playing an Italian in Godfather.


Here we go again with "ethic" casting gripes! What does it mean to "look" Irish? Red hair and fecckles? I'm half Irish and I have dark hair and no freckles. My father was Irish in both sides and also had dark hair and no freckles! It's better than the portrayal of Mexicans and Native Americans in the old westerns but it's just acting!
I don't get the "payback" remark. Wasn't it Copploa who cast Brando? Actors should not be bounded by ethnicity unless there is a compelling reason. Just let them act! Please!


How does an Italian look? How do the Irish look?


An Italian looks like Mario Ballotelli. An Irishman looks like Phil Lynott.
