MovieChat Forums > The Company of Wolves (1985) Discussion > The Company of Wolves a beautiful movie...

The Company of Wolves a beautiful movie that makes no sense.

I didn't really like it but I couldn't bring my self to hate it either. It could have been the fact that I spent 25$ on it. The pacing is one of it's more obvious flaws, It tended to drag on and on while trying to tell a story. But by the time it got to the end your to disinterested in the movie altogether to really care. And the heart of the story is just a dream. There's no real talk on why she's having the dream, it's importance to the development of the character, or anything (At least Never Ending Story showed purpose for the book in proportion with the kid).

The characters were dull and plain, none of them really tended to stand out and it made the werewolf storys that much more boring because of it. I understood where the story was going but it just couldn't hold my intrust. The concept and werewolf transformations were good, but sadly everything else was poorly handled. I Say a remake is in order.

"you just got served G-man style."


I somewhat agree. I just finished this movie, and I feel that this is a case of a film having more style than substance.

Of course, I'm not too sure a remake would really do the trick.


i suggest reading through this board a bit


I just saw it the full way through and loved it. Of course I will admit that I was kinda confused, but I was none the less happy that I saw it.


a beautiful movie that makes no sense

That about sums it up, in my opinion. Now, I did like it, sure, but I think I'd have enjoyed it more if it wasn't quite so friggin' weird.

"This lint is so Scottish." --Xander Harris


Yup, beautiful movie that makes no sense. Yes, it has major problems (pacing being a big one; the werewolf transformation is way too long for one thing, but, Hey! It has a decapitated Angela Lansbury! No one is EVER going to do that again :) You're left with something that you probably aren't quite ever going to completely forget. The film probably can't be 'fixed' any more than you can 'fix' your dreams. To this day, whenever I am asked what company I work for, I reply "Company of Wolves". I'd like to think that I am the Grand Poobah of said company (position: 'sitting'), but am awaiting Neil Jordan's reply on that.


Just finished seeing this for the first time, and I loved it. Masterfully beautiful in ever aspect. I understood everything just fine, but that could be because I am well at interperting things and breaking things down to it's origin and cause. I will tell you this, because there's way too much detail and explaining to fill here, once you discover the meaning it unravels everything and sort of ties it all back together neatly for the mind. While you don't get to unveil the mystery of the girl's true reality and only view her dream, I suppose was the point. The main character wasn't important, she was the puppet for the story. The moral and identity of the movie played through her and her dream. Alright, I'll stop there, haha.

T~O #2
Assassin. Murder. Monster.
N~M~N #1......


Great movie, but well above the average movie viewer's head. It is confusing at the end, but what a great atmosphere, dialogue, etc...
Loved it.


Goose Girl I understood what the film was trying to convey, it was it's execution that killed it for me. The characters came off so dry half the time that I just couldn't (try as I might to) care what was going on with them. Films can teach you something wile still being entertaining, this film seemed to have forgotten this.

It's worthy of being a colt classic but sadly it's quite obvious why not many people were attracted to it.





I found this film mesmerising but yes not completely easy to make sense of but who cares - I found it beautiful and sexy and something a little different.


Just watched it for the first time last night and loved it. There were a few parts that it seemed to drag out, but well worth the watch :) Will definitely be looking to add this to my collection!

Kinich-Ahau / Kukulcan in 2012!


I think this is one movie that could benefit from a re-make? It had a lot to stay but I felt it was just all thrown in together.




Besides...they just did Red Riding Hood, and look how *beep* that was.

Nobody can remake a Neil Jordan film. Nobody.


Well if you watched it expecting it to be a story about warewolves, then yes, it probably made no sense. But if you read between the lines you'd see that its a brilliant story about sexuality. Staying on the path symbolizes staying pure I suppose. The wolves are those who temp you. Her sister was tempted at the start. Watch it again, not as a horror movie, but as a beautiful metaphorical tale of young sexuality and the mixed feelings of reaching adolescence, it will make much more sense and every line (literally every dialogue) sound really clever and meaningful! :)
I just finished it! I was lucky to have checked the imdb rating for the movie before watching it, and I read the summary so I knew it wasn't about warewolves. Although I did borrow it coz I thought it would be scary! lol



You've summed up my thoughts on the movie perfectly. I had little interest in the characters, and the plot dragged on more than I was expecting. Cinematically it is beautiful, but lacks the cohesiveness and emotional satisfaction of something like Never Ending Story.


I agree. I enjoyed the visual effects but I was not too invested in the actual characters. Kind of like when I was watching Avatar.

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