MovieChat Forums > The Company of Wolves (1985) Discussion > This film was boring, pointless and into...

This film was boring, pointless and intolerable!

I don't know why "Company of Wolves" is so highly rates on IMDB. It was boring, pointless and gross, and I didn't get the story or dialogue, which seemed nonsensical. I have no idea what the plot even was. It was that boring. It eventually got to be so boring that I couldn't even finish the rest of it when I got past the halfway mark. It was just too disappointing to bother continuing with it, and I couldn't hold my attention span any longer. - The Biggest Dating Secret for Men


Perhaps art films aren't really for you then? If you found it so boring, how did you come to watch it in the first place?



I am adult enough to get fully this whole film, and its amazing, every single scene is meaningful.
Potentially meaningful.

Wow I see some people just cant see it.

Do you recognize my voice...?


You are more than likely used to the usual Hollywood crap that´s been shoved down our throats lately, so that´s probably why you didn´t like the film. It´s a beautiful work of art, and rich in symbolism and poetry, if only you weren´t that lazy to look. Films are a visual medium, not necessarily one that needs a linear structure of say, literary works or plays, and as one of the few more "mainstream" titles that rely more on aesthetic to tell it´s story, this is one of the best. If you care to watch it again with this in mind, you are surely going to be rewarded, if not, than "Red Riding Hood" may be more suitable for you.

The theater is like a faithful wife. The film is the great adventure, the costly, exacting mistress



OP, I think I got what happened... You must have been looking to watch Brotherhood of the Wolf and got this movie instead. Easy mistake to make.

'pay the man'


Laughing at all the pretentious replies you got.


Agreed. Was just watching this for the first time and finally gave up on it about 45 minutes in. Wonderful visuals and atmosphere, but story-wise it was just making no sense (with its weird stories interrupting the narrative), and pacing wise it was . . . sluggish. Had only heard of it just recently and was very curious to see it. Gave it a chance, but it just wasn't doing anything for me.


It's a fairy tale, mate. I doesn't have to make sense. Does it make sense that Baba-Yaga lives in a hut on chicken legs? Or that houses can be made of gingerbread and maintain structural integrity? Or that a spinning wheel can render a girl comatose because a witch wasn't invited to her birthday celebration? Take a moment, stop being so literal minded and appreciate the artistry and surrealism. I mean, break down every fairy tale ever and it is all just a bunch of loose narrative seemingly strung together by mental patients. Just enjoy it at face value if you choose not to glean the underlying metaphors. It still looks pretty.

"We have such sites to show you..."
-Xipe Totec


The overall plot was about symbolism of a girl turning into a woman and a dream of the symbolism that corresponds with it, at least that's how I interpreted it.

The trick is not to see a clear plot in my opinion, but notice the symbolism and go with it, are my honest thoughts.

The film may have been boring to you, but obviously not to everyone who praised it and rated it so high. Maybe try to watch with a different light, if you still don't like it, it obviously just wasn't for you.

Believe me, nothing is trivial. - Eric Draven, The Crow.


I won't address my feelings on it as a whole, but people LIKED the visuals?

I thought the foam looking trees and otherwise artificial looking surroundings did nothing to add a surreal fantasy element, rather made it come off as amateurish and cheap.

I guess the first werewolf transformation scene and the dinner party werewolves were cool visuals though.
