
Unchecked greed will never be reformed. It can not be changed with any kind of guilt. Charles Dickens was a major idealist to write a story like this. These rotten people and the element of human nature is never going to go away. ''Ignorance and want'' is growing in population every day and it's only getting worse. The rich just run away from the problems by hiding behind their gated communities. I have never seen so much homelessness and joblessness among the younger generation. Holy sh*T.


I don't think Dickens was arguing that these problems would ever be eliminated entirely, but rather than every human being is capable of reform. No one is beyond redemption.

It's a good message and one that I agree with.


We should not be thinking it's only up to the super rich to take care of the poor. Regardless if someone makes only $20,000 a year or $100,000 a year, everyone can give to a food pantry.


I don't think this is the issue at all. It's a systemic problem where a small amount of people can become "super rich" while so many others become super poor. I am barely scraping by, but yes, I can give to a food pantry if I arrange it. A couple cans of tuna a/o chili. Food pantries get this stuff all the time. But what we have is a certain class of people having legacy wealth while there is so much Want / Need in the world. It's not right.


Yes. That is a problem. But you know 11 years ago when I first worked for the Kroger store I am still at I only got 12 hours a week, was on food stamps, and lived in a place based off my income. I couldn't ever learn to drive a car. So I had to take the bus that was in my town. I also tried applying for medical aid through my state but they sent back a letter saying I made too much. But I kept working at Kroger and eventually was able to live in an apartment that was walking distance from my job. And I was able to change my availability so that I could work as early as 6am instead of the 9am availability I had before. I kept working there over the years and now I work 40 hours a week. Anybody else could do the same.

Also while the homeless situation is bad, there are a lot of factors that go into it. Some of it is because some people get addicted to drugs and then they can't get a job anywhere cause nobody wants to hire a drug addict. Some of it is because there just aren't enough good jobs. Some of it is because people get addicted to the Lottery which imo should be gotten rid of cause it's lead to some of the downfall of state finances here in Illinois and also does more harm to people than good in the long run. The problem is people are homeless for different reasons but whether one wants to accept it or not the super rich do own a lot of businesses that keep people poorer than themselves employed. If you are like a far leftist cousin of mine (I do love him but don't agree with him politically) taking away 90% of the money billionaires and millionaires will destroy the jobs they pay for. Also whether you think it's wrong or not Part time people who work 20 hours or less will not get a decent raise. I don't know that that's right but I have learned that working at Kroger. You don't get a substantial raise unless you're full time.


Not only do the rich run away and hide behind their gates, they lecture us, who can't afford to live behind gates, about how we should be socialists and let BLM/Antifa terrorists run wild. They are the ultimate hypocrites.
