Questions (Spoilers)

Did anyone get the feeling that this was essentially Basic Instinct, 8 years before basic instinct came out? I mean the beats of Tom Skeritt finding Sharon Stone's picture in the class year book was exactly what happened in Basic Instinct, but with a different character. I just found it really strange watching this film, knowing that Basic Instinct followed it 8 years later, yet it shared such similar plot points and feel to that of B.I.


Spoilers ahead.

Yeh I randomly caught this movie on tv recently and I thought the same. Brutal murders are taking place and Sharon Stone is playing a manipulative, beautiful, seductive femme fatal that manages to manipulate the cop in charge of the case. Her year book picture is a key clue in the story.

I actually kept getting the feeling that I was watching some kind of Basic Instinct prequel. 'Catherine Tramell: The Modelling Years' lol.

It leaves me wondering if her involvement with this had any influence on her casting in Basic Instinct. Or if it was all just a weird coincidence.


Yeah I was kinda thinking of this as a farm league test run. Then when the right script came along (or even one based on this), they had their big league vehicle for Sharon Stone.

And why was Skerritt in this - was he at a low point in his career?

I also was wondering if I would've figured out who the villain was so soon, had I never seen Basic Instinct, ya know?

Sure is weird to think that all the pretty people in this thing are now 30 years older. And I'm 30 years older ....
