Unrated DVD

Are there two versions of this film? An R-rated and an unrated version and if there are is the unrated DVD available in this country? I've looked at a couple of different sources and the running time seems to be different for each one. Can anyone shed some light?


I have the R rated DVD, and the unrated videocassette, and truth be told, there really is no difference, if at all...


Yes, I have the new dvd from MGM. The movie is just rated 'R' now, but nothing has been cut. Comparing the old 'unrated' video to the new rated dvd, there is no difference. The dvd has the 105 minute version, which according to IMDb, this is the original running time. It would have been a shame to cut the sex scenes here, as they are the films biggest attraction. I wonder though, how they got away with the 'R' rating for this one. i guess no one really cares enough to argue anymore. Great disc, anamorphic widescreen, the film looks gorgeous.


All that unrate crap is stupid though it really mean nothing at all


I agree. I think it was mentioned after the film bombed that it WAS R rated but Derek used the Unrated seal to sell his film more. Didn't work though. And really--the sex isn't THAT explicit. I've seen worse in other R rated films. If they had full frontal male nudity it might have been unrated but they didn't.
