Can anyone tell me the names and artists who sing these songs when everyone's at The Burning Spear? One song is played first and the lyrics have the chorus saying Darkness into Daylight, into the night and the other song is played right after and it has the lyrics saying Just as long as you're doing it.

If someone could help me out, I'd greatly appreciate it.


Thw song is called Into the Night by La La. The second one I'll have to get back to you on. Hope that helped.


I'm looking for this aswell, went through all the song ID posts on here and even the one the post with all the songs listed but no mention of it!

Would love to know what it is.


I too am looking for that " just as long as you doing it " I need to ask arthur baker who did that ? he would know ......i beleive arthur also had something to do with all the actual mixing of the records on there too
