MovieChat Forums > Angel (1984) Discussion > I always cry when Solly

I always cry when Solly

Is over Mae and Mae says "don't let Angel see me like this"

And then I really lose it when Solly wails "you gorgeous broad!"

I know it's totally sleazy, but this movie actually has a lot of heart to it. There's a quote somewhere in the little booklet that comes with the box set that describes the characters as "warmhearted oddballs" akin to "Disney character who swear."

That's not terribly far off. In fact, besides the poster, the one thing most remember about this film are the characters, an element that was highlighted in the trailer for the sequel.


I love that moment too; it's like a mom and dad scene, except these guys and gals are a bit unique. I love them! It was so sweet I thought.
