Is this Violent?

I really want to see this and am wondering if this is violent because on the bbfc website they have just rerated this a 12 from an 18!!! Thats a major drop!


Not violent enough. Considering what this chopper could do! There should have been a wall of blood all over the place when the guns were going off.


Sounds cool tho im def gona check it out.


The pilot episode was an 18 ,because it was released on video to rent ,in the UK in 1984, round about the time it was premiered on ITV. The video has pretty strong language in it , whereas what was shown on ITV on the first friday night ,was edited down ,with no language.
Both verisons have all the same amount of action and violence, theres no difference on that level between the two versions. Watching it with the swearing spoils it really, you would imagine it would make it more adult, but its kinda crowbarred in, and just sounds really phony.



I must have been watching the cut version. From what I remember it was show during the daytime on a saturday, and I'd be perfectly happy to show it to a 10 year old.

A few people get punched in the face or wacked on the back of the head in a really fake way, and there are a few episodes featuring handguns. But that's about it.

Its probably because of some naughty word that got slipped in.

Then again, this series is 20 years old and what is an isn't considered appropriate has changed. This is less violant than your average cop show.

English Language Anime: Dub it, don't pervert it.


Admittedly when I was watching it I heard two S words used. One by a guy at the demo border when Airwolf flew by and the other was just gasped out by the senator when they thought Airwolf was blown up in the demo. Though if you compare this with other 80's series it is pretty dark anyway.

I had heard they just plunked some F words in there as well but I never heard any.

Well I didn't expect a kind-of Spanish Inquisition!


Apparently, the big bad S (which I would probably have been beaten sensless for using as a child), is now mild enough to say in a PG certificate.

By todays standards, Airwolf is practically Walt Disney.

English Language Anime: Dub it, don't pervert it.


Hi, Just thought I'd clear this one up if I can, due to the fact that I've got the 18 cert version on VHS and the season one DVD which is the 12 version.

Considering that the S word has been allowed in PG films for a very long time, it wasn't this that made it an 18 cert. Look at Smokey and the Bandit for example... made in 1977 and littered with the S word all the way through, and that was a PG.

No, ta_scott59 is right, the reason why it was an 18 was for 3 uses of the F word.

1) When on movie set, an actor goes ape at Santini because he wants to fly his chopper for the next shot solo and Santini won't let him saying that he'll kill himself in the process. Getting more and more irate he says; *beep* you!" to Santini which enrages him enough for Hawke to step in with a compromise.

2) In Hawke's cabin, late at night Gabriella is upstairs looking at Hawke's painting's, to which, after a few minutes Hawke arrives. They end up in a position where Hawke is laid on top of her and is about to kiss her, when he says to her: "You didn't come up here to look at paintings, you came up here to *beep* me!" (which I thought was a scene that was totally unnecessary anyway!)

3) Just before Hawke and Santini take back Airwolf, the other 2 pilots who helped Moffet steal it (can't remember their character names) are talking at the side of the swimming pool. One says something like; "It's Moffet, he's in the dessert with some girl, torturing her to death", to which the other replies; "What the *beep* the matter with you? She means nothing to us." - and in the background comes the interruption by Hawke (pointing a gun at them); "Well she does to me!".

I must admit, I had a load of episodes recorded off TV, but I bought the 18 cert version specifically for the fact that it was an 18! (Thinking that it was going to have more action & extra footage not suitable for TV) - Oh boy was I disappointed! Not only is there no extra footage, those 3 uses of bad language didn't fit and quite frankly could have been given a 15 cert! - Let's face it, Beverly Hills Cop was made in the same year, is full of uses of the F word, and that got a 15 cert!

Makes you wonder what on earth the BBFC were thinking when they certified it!


"Look at Smokey and the Bandit for example... made in 1977 and littered with the S word all the way through, and that was a PG."

But there are lots of things in films that were made in the 1970s and 1980s that were rated PG, but would probably have to be cut now in order to maintain the certificate.

For example, Inner Space had a man standing naked in the street flashing his b*tt at the camera for several seconds, and Battle beyond the stars had a rape scene in it, and they were both rated PG. Transformers the movie had the S bomb in it, but was it was cut out on later releases. Even Polterguist which got a PG in 1982 wouldn't be likely to get away with any less than a PG-13 today because of the horror, swearing and use of 'the finger'.

English Language Anime: Dub it, don't pervert it.
