Improved over time

Saw this yesterday for the first time in 15 years on youtube.
Seemed better then I remember.
Good clashes between edgy characters, each of whom has his/her
own quirky agenda. I am worried that this seems better because there
is so much fluff/kitsch/superhero dreck out there that any real adult themes are going to look like brilliance.


I just caught this on cable after not seeing it since theatrical release. I agree with your post 100%.

I also noticed a creepy sense of familiarity in the dialog exchanged between "Ben" and "Jessie".  Methinks there was much more to their relationship than the average Step-father/step-daughter. This makes the line about Jessie being back where she belongs rather sinister.

No time for the old in-n-out, love, I've just come to read the meter.


Yeah, I think you must be grading on a curve, and most movies suck now.

So if AGAINST ALL ODDS rated a C or C plus back in 1984, today it's gone up a full letter-grade.


It's a Noir remake and Noir does all those things you mention at the end of your post.

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