So what's the theory on how Rawhide returned for the sequel?

Did Buckaroo kiss him too? I think Penny was hit by one of those spider things too, wasn't she? And she died, and Buckaroo kissed her with his magically ionized lips, and presto! Back to life she comes.

So I suppose there's some fan fic about a Buckaroo/Rawhide interlude?

And I love how the actor playing Rawhide went on to become absolutely one of the best baddies ever in cinema, The Kurgan in Highlander.

I asked the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.



If ANYONE is going to kiss Rawhide back to life, it's ME!

And hell yeah, Clancy Brown is THE best bad guy ever! FFS his first movie role was a bad guy! FFS he's Lex Luthor! FFS his character in Carnivale is the fücking DEVIL!

This guy is the ultimate baddie on the screen!

Always an active American Gladiator!ü
Lance Henriksen is KING!


In the script that is floating around, they said that he was on some drug regimen every day.


So_In_Love, I met Lance Hendrickson about 15 years ago, and he is a very nice man.


Had this movie been franchised - they could have gotten away with just bringing him back with no explanation whatsoever. I wouldn't have questioned it, at all.
