Coziest episode?

I love this show. I have great memories of watching it with my late parents when I was younger, and I'm glad it's on Netflix. Some episodes are so familiar, it's like visiting with an old friend. Which episodes do you consider to be the "coziest" or best to curl up and watch on a rainy day?


I share your feelings about the coziness of the show. My MSW comfort episodes are (forgive if the exact names are wrong); "If it`s Thursday, it must be Beverly", "Benedict Arnold slipped here", "Penroy", "The wind in the tower", "Keep the home fries burning", and just about every one if the episodes in Cabot Cove.

The most ridiculous was the one when Jessica went fox hunting; that was absurd on so many levels I almost gave it up.

Yes, you are so right about cozy.


My favourites to curl up and watch on a crazy day: Crossed Up, Murder Takes the Bus, and If it's Thursday, It Must Be Beverly.

"If this is music, what's that stuff Cole Porter writes?"


Jessica and co. are stuck in a diner after their bus has issues during a rain storm. Of course, then someone is murdered.

I just looked up Murder Takes The Bus and that is the episode.


Crossed up, Trial by error, Menace anyone. And any other episode where the characters are trying to drive someone insane or there seems to be a supernatural twist.

Half the world hates, what half the world does every day


My favorite episodes are the ones that take place in Cabot Cove. Of those, here are a couple of favorites:

Deadly Lady
Crossed Up

Not exactly in Cabot Cove, but Jessica and Amos are taking the bus from Cabot Cove to Portland for the annual police officer's convention at which Jessica is to speak. It's pouring down rain when the bus has a mechanical problems and limps into a diner. When the passengers file off the bus, one passenger doesn't get out of his seat, and it's found that he's dead.

Murder takes the Bus


My favorites are the "bottle" episodes like "Murder Takes the Bus," where most or all of the episode takes place in a single, isolated setting such as a diner, a mansion, or a resort (preferably snowbound!).


I agree with the previously stated "Murder takes the bus" and "Crossed up". I also like "Reflections of the mind" for a cosy spooky feeling, and one of the funniest episodes to me is "Who killed JB Fletcher?". Finally, perfect for snowy, stormy, creepy winter nights: "Snow White, Blood Red".


If The Frame Fits! Perfect for any occasion, especially this!

If you believe in Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it put this as your signature


Murder Takes the Bus, Sticks and Stones, Crossed Up, Snow White, Blood Red.


"Murder Takes the Bus" will be shown on the Hallmark Movie Channel this Sunday, Sep. 13, at 8:00 AM!


Since Halloween is coming up in 2 weeks, I'd suggest "A Witch's Curse" (08x12) and "Fire Burn Cauldron Bubble" (05x13). "Mirror Mirror on the Wall" (05x21-22) is also great for a rainy day. The "coziest" might be "Crossed Up," which a few other people have mentioned. It's where Jessica is ill and has to stay in bed but as she is talking to her nephew on the telephone, the lines get crossed up and she overhears a murder. Probably an homage to the film Sorry, Wrong Number (1948). And speaking of homages to classic films, "Mr Penroy's Vacation" (05x03) is no doubt a nod to Arsenic and Old Lace (1944).
