Nanny's Face

Its probably been discussed quite a bit about how Nanny's face is never shown. I do know that in some episodes it shows her hair, shes got light brown hair I believe, but you never see her face. I remember one episode where you do see Nanny entirely in screen, but her face is hidden by an umbrella. Well I do know they had the Muppets on Ice show back in 1987 at the Rockerfeller Center in NYC and I was wondering if Nanny's face could be seen in that. Anybody see it?



haha i remember nanny. those silly striped stockings. they were purple & white weren't they? god, if there's one thing about this show i remember it was nanny's long, clothed legs. i stayed awake at night for years trying to imagine what nanny really looked like. she had nice legs though.


my mom told me she was so tall that she went off the page when they were trying to draw her hahaha i so believed it i told that to everyone!


I think they purposely made Nanny look that way because, 1) That's how young kids see her as a very tall woman and 2), the producers want the audience to use their imaginations (a major theme of this show) to figure out what Nanny really looks like. I imagine her as an old woman with gray hair, probably looking just like Barbara Billingsley. Or almost resembling the stepmother from Disney's Cinderella, but of course Nanny is MUCH nicer.



"I remember there was one scene in the alien episode where Gonzo imagined her as an alien, and the scene panned up and showed her face (as an alien, though) but that was the most we saw of her."

Oh yeah? What did she look like?

And in fact, there have been actual humans on the show. In "Raiders of the Lost Muppet", when Kermit, Fozzie and Piggy are in a Temple of Doom setting, the natives all look exactly like real people.


I remember the episode where Nanny was shown entirely on screen-she was wearing a dress and held a parasol to cover her face. I kept thinking, "if she shows her face, she'll probably be like, 'omg!' and quickly hide behind the parosol.


I'v always wondered what Nanny's face looked like. I only saw her from the waist down. I think "Mom" and "Dad" form the show Cow and Chicken are somewhat reminiscent of Nanny in that way.


Not necessarily. With Mom and Dad, all you saw were their feet. They did everything with their feet! All they were were a pair of legs! That was a dumb show anyway.


I hated that show too.




LOL When I was a little kid (Like 4 years old) I thought my T.V. screen wasn't big enough, and that's why i couldn't see her face LOL

I'm a 14 year old hormone-crazed teenager and I'm proud! lol


I had a very bizarre dream once that Nanny's face was shown and its was like something right out of a Troma flick. Her face was totally deformed, she had no hair, and had a mouth like Olive Oil. She had no eyes and her nose was where her eyes should be. It was real freaky! Then I woke up in a "Whoa!" moment. It was totally weird. I was only 9 when I had this dream too! I guess that's what happens when you play Pac-Man for 3 hours straight! Your mind gets waxed.

After that dream, I wondered even more what Nanny's face looked like.



Ah, Nanny's face...I never wondered about it that much because I already had a vision of my own of what she looked like. I always assumed she was a young woman with straight, dirty blonde hair that was shoulder-length and wore glasses with purple frames. XD


If they ever showed her face i thought she might look like one of the muppets, lol!


I always thought she'd be old, yet not old-lady old. Maybe in her 40s or 50s, yet good complexion, no wrinkles, caring eyes. Brown hair, of course. Though her fashion sense is kinda strange. Striped sock? That wouldn't be a problem if they weren't so motley colored. Either she's eccentric, or she's trying to emulate the bright colorful style seen in the 80s, which wouldn't be hard to believe, seeing this is DEFINATELY a cartoon of the 80s!



My mom told me that Nanny was so tall that when she was drawn she went off the page!!I used to sit right under the tv to see if I could she the paper!!


I always thought of her as middle aged. And hot.In a milf sort of way.

Why ? I dont know.....


Actually, most of the adult's faces were never shown. Waldorf and Statler were shown full bodied, and faced. I can't even remember when an adult's face was shown, except for maybe one of the live action clips shown in-between the show.


I pictured her as a cherubic face with rosy cheeks and either a pixie or bob the way you would picture a nanny who cared for children I too wondered why they never showed her face kind of like the same thought of why you never see the teacher on Charlie Brown and why does she make that "womp womp wa wa womp" sound instead of talking

I carved your name on a bullet so you would be the last thing going through my head


i always imagined that she looked like my friend crystal's mom. i think nanny's voice was similar to this mom's voice and their builds were sort of the same waist down.


I always pictured Nanny with sort of carrot orange hair with clown makeup on her face. Now that I think of it, she sounded like Betty White to me.

Homer: [after hitting a deer statue] D'oh!
Lisa: A deer!
Marge: A female deer!

