new book

Do you all know that there is a new book out call "The Mistress of the Game" and it's about the Kate's great granddaughters and their feuding?


Yes, but it is not written by Sidney Sheldon. Check out the reviews on Amazon. Some like it, many hate it. YMMV.

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I read it. Nothing to write home about, but it is an entertaining afternoon at the pool type read.


Yes, but it is not written by Sidney Sheldon.

So it's fan fiction then?
Think I'll pass.


It's a read... that's about it. If you're looking for the same quality as the original, you'll be disappointed. A rather "meh" book.


Mistress of the Game spoilers:

Alexandra and Robert have a son, Robert (who is in the last chapter of Master of the Game) and she's pregnant with a new baby the beginning of this book, which starts with Kate's funeral.

Eve is still married to Keith and also pregnant (and still disfigured).

Alexandra has a girl (Lexi) but dies shortly after giving birth. Eve gives birth to a boy named Max.

Eve grooms Max to despise Robbie and Lexi.

When Lexi is little, she's kidnapped (and I think raped; can't remember the specifics, it's been awhile since I read the book). During the rescue attempt, an explosion renders her deaf. The police never catch the kidnappers. But when Lexi is grown, she works with shady private investigators and tracks down each one, who she has brutally murdered.

Robbie is concert pianist, but becomes a drug addict and is estranged from Robert, his father.

Eve also grooms Max to hate his father. She somehow arranges a hiking/camping trip for Keith and Max (who is pretty young). Eve has plotted with Max to kill Keith. (I think he pushes him off a cliff)

When Lexi and Max are 18, they start working at Kruger-Brent, Ltd. Max acts like Lexi's best friend, all the while doing everything he can to undermine her and set her up for failure. He even makes her feel self-conscious about her speech due to her deafness. (she can read lips) She eventually has experimental surgery to restore her hearing.

Eventually, Max seduces Lexi and they have a brief affair. He also arranges for scandalous pictures of her to make their way into the hands of of the Kruger-Brent, Ltd. board members, so that she's either fired or busted down to some lowly position.

She goes to Africa and meets a man named Gabriel McGregor, who is a distant relative. They fall in love (after he opens up about the murder of his wife and children).

There's a constant power struggle between Max (who is now running Kruger-Brent, Ltd.) and Lexi. After she's kicked out, she starts buying up all of Kruger-Brent's subsidiaries and runs them into the ground (stealing money from Gabriel's charity to do it). When Kruger-Brent, Ltd. goes bankrupt, Max commits suicide. Lexi then picks up Kruger-Brent (which is now worthless) on the cheap, and rebuilds it back to what it had been.

She and Gabriel have a baby girl, Maxine.

Meanwhile, Eve has an ax to grind over Max's death. She has proof of what Lexi did and tips off the Feds about her shady dealings to ruin Kruger-Brent, using Gabriel's charity funds and then buying Kruger-Brent as a worthless company. She sends Lexi a letter telling Lexi that she's notified the authorities of her actions.

They come to arrest Lexi on her wedding day, during the reception. With some fancy footwork, she escapes and is joined by Gabriel and baby Maxine on some island (that has no extradition laws).

Eve dies, alone, surrounded by the ghosts of her past.

And Lexi proves she's now "Mistress of the Game" by outsmarting the authorities and living happily with Gabriel and Maxine on the island.
