
I can't believe that was Fergie from Black Eyed Peas! Look at her then, an adorable tween. Hell, look at her now, a hott mama from Black Eyed Peas.

Live in Your World. Play in Ours. - PlayStation 2



When I was little, this was my all-time favorite show! I rememer waiting for 6 o'clock to roll around and for this show to come on the Disney channel (I even remember the toll-free number to subscribe). Stacey was my favorite out of the whole cast (I honestly don't know why, I was like 5 when it was on) and I don't even remember the other people on the show besides "Love" Hewitt. I totally wish that this show would come on again, even if it would be on at 4 am, it would be so cool and bring back so many memories!


Stacy was my favourite, too.
I think it was because she was so sparkly.


I can't believe Stacy and Ryan Lambert dated and she received her first kiss from him. She was so little--that really grosses me out.


I use to be pin pals with Stacy. And I think I still have some of her letters that she mail me. I do remember her telling me that Ryan use to dat Andrea Wilson one of the dancers from KI. And Sorry I just can't call Stacy Fergi sends all my life I been calling her Stacy. The same thing with Rahssan Patterson. Some times I call him by his real name but most of the time I still call him The Kid.
