Your favorite episode

What is your favorite episode of Kate & Allie and why is it your favorite?


I don't remember the name of the episode, but Claire (the new wife)tells Allie that Charles spends so much time with Jennie and Chip that she hardly ever sees him and he doesn't spend time with their son. Allie says no, he never comes here. "Well, where does he go?" "Sorry, that's not my problem." Turns out Charles has been going to his cabin in the woods to just be alone because Claire always expects him to spend every minute with her and their son and he never gets a quiet moment. This is my favorite episode because I had an almost word-for-word conversation with my ex husband's girlfriend, then with my ex. I thought later how eerie it was. Life imitates art imitates life.


My favorite episode is the one where kate quits her job at athe travle ageancy, my favorite part is where she has the nurvice brake down in the class room, when she's at the kids school talking about her job. When ever I watch it I think about my job and how much I sometimes don't like it and want to quit, but I won't bacause I need the money.

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Wasn't there an episode where the character played by Jane Curtain recalls an embarrassing event when she was in a school play. Apparently some device that was supposed to pick her up to make her fly lifted her dress off
in front of the audience. Does anybody recall this? I don't remember if they showed this or if she just tells the story?


The Episode when Kate was in the hospital and thinking that something was going to happen to her, when she was druged she ran away from her room and she thinks people were after her and she thinks it is a conspiracy against her.


Um kate's lag was broken that's why she was in the hospitel, it was allie who was in the hospitel and thought something was going to happen to her. I think she had to have a mole removed.

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reply I get them mixed up it used to be on WE,but thanks fir the info.


My favorite is when Allie likes her English Professor. I love that scene in the apartment(I believe) and he's reciting poetry to describe how he feels about her.


I saw that episode yesterday, it's a good one.

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that's a good episode, i THINK IT'S SEASON 5.

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I like the episode when Jennie sings the song Goodbye to You in the musical band. I also like the episode when Allie discovers a condom in Chip's back pocket of his blue jeans.


The Thanksgiving episode where Allie accidentally puts Comet instead of salt into the cavity of the turkey she is preparing. They can't find a turkey to replace it at the last minute. I think they ended up buying turkey parts and trying to make a Frankenturkey out of them.


I liked the one where Chip runs away with the cat. He's upset that his dad and new wife are having another baby. I remember Allie was just as upset about it as Chip.

"The end of the shoelace is called the...IT DOESN'T MATTER!"
